BAKU: Azerbaijan won’t give up positions, FM

Azerbaijan News Service
July 13 2005

2005-07-13 17:09

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan will make statement
regarding OSCE Minsk Group co-chair’s visit to the region no sooner
than July 18. Elmar Mammadyarov, foreign minister of Azerbaijan said
in exclusive interview with ANS TV that Ministry was expecting the
results of meeting carried out in Armenia as well. Mr. Mammadyarov
said co-chairs came to Azerbaijan without any new proposals. The
Minister also caviled at those who tried misinterpreting co-chairs
statement and misleading the information on negotiation process.
Elmar Mammadyarov said the government of Azerbaijan still insisted in
its position that is restoration of territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan. Baku is not going to retract from this position,
Mammadyarov has said. Elmar Mammadyarov said it was hard to say
something for the time being reacting to US co-chair statement.
Steven Mann said yesterday that there was a possibility to achieve
peace. `Everything will depend on how we will continue peace process
and what results shall we achieve. We will witness the next meeting
of Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents. Either Baku or the Yerevan
prepare for this meeting, Elmar Mammadyarov said. Head of the foreign
office also unveiled other main principles Azerbaijan holds in. The
returning of refugees and IDPs to their native lands is one those.
Elmar Mammadyarov said negotiations have been conducting within the
format of OSCE Minsk group according to OSCE resolutions answering to
the possibility of joining of Iran and Turkey into peace
negotiations. Ayten Feyzullayeva