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USA Donating Assistance To Armenia



On July 13, 2005 U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans and Armenian
Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan will sign the Protocol on
Amendment to the Letter of Agreement on Narcotics Control and Law
Enforcement between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of Armenia. Under this amendment, the U.S. Government
will provide $2,411,000.00 to the Government of Armenia for six

These projects will include regional law enforcement computer network
development, law enforcement academy development, counter-trafficking
in persons assistance, Border Guard and Customs regional training
facilities development, criminal law reform program, and legal
socialization program.

Since the signing of the original Letter of Agreement on June 11,
2001, the Government of the United States has provided over $5 million
for law enforcement assistance in Armenia. Some of the projects
completed or nearing completion include installing computer classrooms
and other classroom equipment in the Police Academy, Police Training
Center and the Procuracy Training Center; providing computer equipment
to the Anti-Trafficking offices at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
the Procuracy, and the Forensic Lab; and providing evidence collection
equipment to the police, the Police Academy and the Forensic Lab. The
U.S. Embassy remains committed to working with the Government of
Armenia to help modernize the criminal justice system in Armenia.

Tumanian Talar:
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