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To Prevent Cultural Genocide



A number of intellectuals were gathered in the National Academy
of Science today and tries to appeal to the TA Authorities. Their
concern was the fact that no steps are taken to condemn the policy
of cultural Genocide led by Turkey to destroy the Armenian spiritual
and cultural monuments in Western Armenia and Turkey, and to punish
Turkey according to international legislation.

«It is high time for Armenia, as a sovereign country to raise the
question in international channels, either in UN, or in other European
structures», said the head of the Turkish administration of the NAS
Orientology Institute Ruben Safrastyan.

The Turkish policy is condemned by the «Lozano treaty», «Resolution
about the protection of the World cultural and national heritage»,
and the «European Convention about the protection of the Architectural
Heritage» signed by the country. The Euro Parliament resolution «About
the solution of the Armenian Case» adopted in 1987 and re-confirmed in
2004 demands that Turkey respect and protect the historical monuments
of the Armenian nation.

According to UNESCO, after the Great Armenian Genocide about 1000
Armenian monuments have remained in the territory of Turkey. In 1974
more than half of them were totally destroyed, and about 200 are all
in ruins.


Nahapetian Lilit:
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