Transdniestrians coming to Sukhumi need visas – minister

Transdniestrians coming to Sukhumi need visas – minister

July 20 2005

TBILISI. July 20 (Interfax) – The heads of the self-proclaimed
republics who plan to attend a summit in Sukhumi should not violate
visa regulations, Georgian State Minister and special envoy for
conflict settlement Giorgy Khaindrava said.

“If South Ossetian, Abkhazian and Transdniestrian officials want
to talk, they are free to do so, but there are visa regulations in
Georgia, and by violating them, Transdniestrian representatives in
particular could get into an embarrassing situation,” he said.

Khaindrava confirmed that Nagorno-Karabakh officials will not take
part in the meeting. “As far as we know, Nagorno-Karabakh has refused
to take part in this event,” Khaindrava said.