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Draft Constitutional Reforms Positively Differs From ActingConstitut


YEREVAN, JULY 19. ARMINFO. The revised draft of constitutional
reforms of Armenia, which has been submitted for consideration of the
Venice Commission of Council of Europe, considerably and positively
differs from the original version of the document and from the acting
Constitution. Representative of the opposition Justice bloc Shavarsh
Kocharian stated during the news conference, Tuesday.

At the same time he stressed that the document is still far from
perfection and it does not provide for the main requirements of the
opposition on ensuring real balance between the branches of power. In
particular, members of the Justice bloc thinks if the program of the
prime minister appointed by the president does not gain the confidence
of the parliament, then the legislative power must itself form the
government. At the same time, as it is said in the draft amendments,
if the parliament twice does not agree to accept the candidacy of
the prime minister nominated by the president, then the president
has the right to dissolve the parliament. The members of the Justice
bloc also think that the draft constitutional amendments does not
give clear guarantees of independence of the judiciary.

The opposition also expresses concern over that the draft amendments
does not fix the provision, according to which the mayor of Yerevan
must be elected by direct elections, and it insists on inclusion
of this provision in the document. If these proposals are accepted
by the ruling coalition, then the opposition will take part in the
process of constitutional reforms, Shavarsh kocharian said. And if the
proposals of the opposition are not accepted by the coalition, then
the opposition will not take part in the process of constitutional
reforms, as a result of which the results of the constitutional
referendum will be imperilled, the deputy said.

Shavarsh Kocharian stressed to prevent possible falsifications during
the referendum it is necessary to make amendments to the Electoral
Code, which will ensure formation of politically balanced electoral
commission. The Justice bloc also requires to make answerable
organizers and participants of the falsifications during the
presidential and parliamentary elections of 2003.

Topchian Jane:
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