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Venice Commish approved of draft of Armenian constitutional reforms

PanArmenian News Network
July 23 2005


23.07.2005 03:49

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian politicians have received the draft
remarks of the Venice Commission (VC) over constitutional reforms in
Armenia. Yesterday European Integration Commission Chairman,
Parliamentary Vice-Speaker Tigran Torosyan presented his conclusions
over the draft. `The revised constitutional reforms draft as compared
to the ones the VC has commented over is a incontestable reform. In
the Commission’s opinion, the constitutional referendum will be a
good basis for ensuring the Armenian Constitution compliance with
European standards.’ Welcoming the response of the Armenian
authorities to any change proposed by the VC, the Commission
nevertheless hints further improvement is necessary. This
specifically refers to the issue of media. The new order of
appointment of members of the TV and Radio National Commission in
Armenia are as follows: the National Assembly has to appoint half of
the Commission members (however, they should not belong to any
political party), the latter half is appointed by the President.
Welcoming the amendment the VC nevertheless considered problematic
the issue of appointment of all members of the TV and Radio Council
by the President. If these powers of the President are preserved,
then the process needs to be open and transparent. Besides, the VC
proposes to fix the Government structure by the law. T. Torosyan
noted that the remark will receive an additional response. According
to the preliminary remark of the Commission, the President’s immunity
is canceled in the new draft (if he has committed a crime) upon the
completion of his tenure. Attention is paid to the draft provision,
saying the President can chair the Government sessions or invite
Government sessions only over foreign policy, defense and national
security issues. The changes referring to the judicial system were
also approved. In case these are put in practice, the legal framework
should be changed here. The VC proposes making these changes with the
participation of the European Council and by means of tests. The
Commission also welcomed changes in self-government, paying special
attention to election of the Yerevan Mayor. The Constitution draft
notes that the Yerevan community, i.e. the Mayor himself, too, have
to be elected. At that it is noted that the European Local
Self-Government Charter does not rule out direct election of a
community leader. The conclusion of the Venice Commission will be
considered and approved at the Commission next plenary session to
take place in October, reported the Azg.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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