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Genocide Legislation Set For Committee-Level Consideration H.Res.316


National Committee of America (ANCA) is working in Washington, DC and
in communities around the nation to generate support for Armenian
Genocide legislation that is slated to come before the House
International Relations Committee. It appears likely at this time that
the Armenian Genocide measures (H.Res.316 and H.Con.Res.195) currently
before Congress will be considered and acted upon by the influential
panel. “We welcome the willingness of Chairman Hyde and the
International Relations Committee to formally consider and act upon
Armenian Genocide legislation,” said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. “We
especially would like to express our gratitude to George Radanovich
for leading the effort and building on his decade-long record of
principled and energetic leadership on this issue, to voice our
gratitude to the Co-Chairs of the Armenian Caucus – Joe Knollenberg
and Frank Pallone – for generating a powerful, bipartisan
constituency, and to share our special appreciation for Adam Schiff’s
vital role in ensuring Committee level action on Armenian Genocide
legislation.” “We look forward to working with our friends in focusing
our collective energies on defeating Turkey’s genocide denial machine,
to ensuring favorable consideration of these measures by the
International Relations Committee, and to securing final passage of
legislation reaffirming the Armenian Genocide by the House of
Representatives,” added Hachikian. H.Res.316, which was introduced by
Representatives George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and
Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe
Knollenberg (R-MI), calls upon the President to ensure U.S. foreign
policy reflects appropriate understanding of the Armenian
Genocide. The resolution includes thirty detailed findings from past
U.S. hearings, resolutions and Presidential statements, as well as
references to statements by international bodies and organizations. As
of today, a bipartisan group of 98 Representatives have already agreed
to cosponsor this measure. H.Con.Res.195, introduced by Rep. Adam
Schiff, was offered following direct negotiations with House
International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL). The
Chairman agreed to Committee-level consideration of Armenian Genocide
legislation in return for Rep. Schiff tabling a planned June 8th
Armenian Genocide amendment to the House Foreign Relations
Authorization bill. The agreement addressed serious concerns on the
part of the Administration and Congressional leaders that the Schiff
Amendment – which had strong prospects of passing – would overshadow
the White House meeting, held that same day, between President Bush
and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. This measure, which is in the
process of being amended, reaffirms the Armenian Genocide within the
broader context of regional relationships and addresses Turkey’s
efforts to join the European Union. According to Capitol Hill sources,
the Turkish Ambassador and his lobbyists – including the Livingston
Group – are actively making the rounds to members of the International
Relations Committee, seeking to block any action on U.S. reaffirmation
of the Armenian Genocide. As part of this effort, the Livingston Group
has been distributing a four-page genocide-denial document to
Congressional offices. A third, non-Genocide related resolution that
may also be considered by the International Relations Committee deals
with Turkey’s illegal blockade of Armenia. This measure, H.R.3103,
introduced by Rep. Schiff, calls on Turkey to “comply with the
long-standing position of the United States that in order to restore
economic, political, and cultural links with Armenia, Turkey should
immediately lift its ongoing blockade with Armenia.” In addition, it
would require that, “Not later than 30 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the
appropriate Congressional committees a report that outlines the steps
taken and plans made by the United States to end Turkey’s blockade of
Armenia.” The ANCA supports the adoption of this measure by the
U.S. House at the earliest opportunity.

Vardanian Garo:
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