Venezuelan Parliament Adopts Armenian Genocide Resolution


Venezuela has adopted a resolution that recognizes the Armenian
genocide and asks the European Union (EU) to place preconditions on
Turkey’s EU bid, “Yerkir” reported. Adopted on July 14, the resolution
was introduced by Parliament Member Victor Hugo Morales and attorney
Janet Madris. Venezuela’s Armenians have worked for years to have
their country officially recognize and denounce the genocide of fellow
Armenians by Turkey’s Ottoman government. With Turkey’s recent
aspirations toward Europe, however, the resolution also appeals to the
EU to “postpone Turkey’s membership bid until its also recognizes the
1915 genocide of 1.5 million Armenians.” The text of the resolution in
full reads: “The National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela Whereas The first scientifically planned, organized and
executed genocide in the history of humanity took place 90 years ago,
perpetrated by the regime of the “Young Turks” and their ideology of
“Panturkism,” against the Armenian People, involving the extermination
of almost two million people. Whereas Crimes of this nature must be
denounced in order to prevent them from happening again, in order to
restore to the victims their human and national rights and to condemn
the perpetrators. Whereas This genocide deserves repudiation from the
Turkish People and all the peoples of the world. Whereas The People
and the State of Venezuela have continuously condemned terrorism and
racial, ethnical, religious and political discrimination. Whereas The
People and the State of Venezuela fight permanently against all types
of terrorism, including State Terrorism. Whereas Due to political
causes and interests, there is an ongoing attempt to change history
through the negation of this genocide. The National Assembly resolves
First: To express to the Armenian People, to their government and to
the strong Armenian-Venezuelan Community, support on their valid and
delayed humanitarian aspirations of justice. Second: To request the
European Union to postpone Turkey’s membership bid, until the
recognition by Turkey of the Armenian Genocide. Third: To designate a
Committee in charge of delivering this resolution to the Armenian
Parliament and to the Armenian Religious Authorities. Fourth: To form
the Parliamentary Group of Friendship to the Armenian People.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress