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CENN Daily Digest – July 25, 2005

CENN – JUly 25, 2005 Daily Digest
Table of Contents:

1.. Meeting with the Heads of “Madneul” and “Kvarciti”
2.. Mainstreaming Environment beyond MDG 7
3. Mehdi Safari and Armen Movsesian Highly Assessed Implementation
of Joint Energy Projects4. Japanese Tourists Will Discover Armenia
In 20065. EIA Reports6. Meeting on International experience
and perspectives in Strategic Environmental Assessment

1. Meeting with the Heads of “Madneul” and “Kvarciti”

On July 20, 2005 by the initiative of Bolnisi Public Informational
Center and Ecological Service of “Madneuli” meeting was held between the
local non-governmental organizations and heads of “Madneuli” and
“Kvarciti”. D. Jinjolia adviser of the Economical Development minister
in the enterprise privatization filed attended the meeting. The main
issue of the meeting was enterprise privatization, the construction of
cleaning means by the new owner, pollution of rivers Mashavera and
Poladauri and the conducting of the ecological monitoring. There was
mentioned that more than 20 companies are interested in privatization of
“Madneuli”. July 27, 2005 is the deadline for the submission of the
statements. In September 2005 the winner company will be announced. The
essential term for the participation in tender is to transfer 3.5
million USA dollars on the special account of the National Bank. The
representatives of the NGO consider that ecological aspects should be
introduced in the terms of privatization.

Director in corporate management A. Chargeishvili mentioned that during
last years a lot of ecological and social problems have been
accumulated. Also it was said that it is impossible to stop the
enterprise because it will cause more pollution of the rivers. So the
rational way out should be found. As Mr. Chargeishvili has declared,
directorate of “Madneuli” and Ministry of Economical Development
understand the great interest of local NGOs and community regarding the
ecological issues. During the week information will be exchanging. After
that the heads of enterprise will summarise all the submitted proposals.
Following meeting will be dedicated to the analyzing of the certain
proposals. After the summation of all the versions, Ministry of
Economical Development will introduce the final terms in the
privatization terms of “Madneuli”.

Prepared by CENN

Public Informational Center of Bolnisi

2. Mainstreaming Environment beyond MDG 7

Source: UNEP, Press Release, 15 July, 2005

The Division of Environmental Conventions convened a High-Level
Brainstorming Workshop for MEAs on Mainstreaming Environment Beyond MDG
7 on 13-14 July 2005 at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi.

In the context of the upcoming review of the Millennium Declaration at
the 2005 World Summit, the Workshop aimed at identifying possible future
common activities between UNEP, Secretariats of multilateral
environmental agreements (MEAs) and development agencies in order to
achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Approximately 50 participants attended the Workshop, including heads and
senior representatives of the Secretariats of global and regional MEAs,
the UN Millennium Project, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) and
UNDP, as well as internationally recognized experts in the fields of
environment and development.

Following keynote presentations on the various aspects of the issues of
mainstreaming environment into the MDGs and the development process by
Guido Schmidt-Traub, UN Millennium Development Project, David Runnalls,
International Institute for Sustainable Development, Mohan Munasinghe,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and A.H. Zakri, Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment and United Nations University Institute of Advanced
Studies, participants engaged in open and constructive dialogue under
the chairmanship of Gary Sampson, Former Senior Counselor at the World
Trade Organization.

Participants recognized that the environment is a precondition to the
achievement of the MDGs and that these will not be met unless the
sustainable use of ecosystem services is made an integral part of
development strategies. It was agreed that the crucial question is how
to operationalize environment in the MDG process.

Participants identified several avenues to place environmental
sustainability at the centre of the MDGs, including:

discussions between MEA Secretariats, through an appropriate existing or
new forum, to identify areas for synergies and better focus to
contribute to the MDGs;

bringing together national focal points of MEAs to work together and
with development agencies on MDGs;

using quick-win initiatives where environmental problems can be
addressed while alleviating poverty;

developing an inventory of best practices in the field of mainstreaming

establishing appropriate mechanisms for a two-way process to consider
requests from countries for technical assistance on issues related to
the environment and the MDGs; and increasing information, education and
awareness raising efforts.

Several short-, mid- and long-term follow-up activities were identified
as set out in the Chairman’s Conclusions. It was agreed that, for these
activities, UNEP should play a coordinating role.

20, 2005 Iranian Special Envoy for Caspian Affairs Mehdi Safari met
Tuesday in Yerevan with Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsesian. As
reported by Irna news agency, the parties discussed prospects of the
energy cooperation and the development of the Iran-Armenia multisided
and mutually beneficial collaboration. They also highly assessed
implementation of joint energy projects

Azg, July 21, 2005 “Japanese tourist will be interested in all these
that we saw in Armenia”, representative of one of five Japanese tour
operators visiting Armenia on July 16-20, Eiji Koyama, said. At a
meeting with Armenian Agency for Tourism Development (AATD) yesterday
the Japanese tour operators presented the aim of their four-day visit
and the possible expectations. Representation of Armenia at JATA
International Tourism Exhibition in 2002 and 2004 made Japanese turn
their look to Armenia as a possible destination to attract Asian
tourists. The AATD marketing expert said that the visit was of
familiarizing character and aimed at introducing Armenia to Asia. Mr.
Koyama said that the visit has changed their understanding of Armenia.
Armenia, along with the other states of the region, is seen to the
Japanese as a dangerous country. But Mr. Koyama stated that there is no
trace of danger, that Armenia is an interesting country and that the
Japanese will be interested in the history, production and daily life of
Armenia. The Japanese tour operator was greatly impressed by the Mount
Ararat, the Monastery of Geghard and the nature of Armenia. “It would be
nice if there were better roads and less cows on the roads”, Mr. Koyama
said. He noted that he had visited Khor Virap, Noravank, Hakhartsin,
Sanahin, Haghpat, Etchmiadzin, Matenadaran and the Cognac and Wine
Factory. The Japanese guests greatly enjoyed the process of lavash
(flatbread) baking in one of Armenian villages. Armenia, at any rate, is
not a good option for Japan for one-way tourism in view of the long
distance from Japan to Armenia. The Japanese tour operators will look to
organizing regional trips including Armenia in the list with its
neighboring countries. The group may comprise South Caucasian countries
or may be a separate group of Armenia and Turkey. As a result of the
newly launched cooperation first groups from Japan will visit Armenia in

5. EIA Reports

Source: “24 Saati” (“24 Hours”), July 21. 2005

In accordance with the Georgian legislation the following EIA reports
are submitted to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain an
environmental permit:

1. “Ashkaveti” Ltd submitted the EIA report on the activity of the
second category – Development of the Clay-Gypsum Deposit in Gardabani
region village Martkopi for production of lime;

2. “Koka -97” Ltd submitted the EIA report on the activity of the
second category – Project on the Development of the “Dokhoras
Chalk-stone” nearby Tkibuli;

3. “Alavani” Ltd submitted the EIA report on the activity of the
second category – The Technical-Economical Project on the Processing-
Extracting of the Sand-Gravel Deposit on the territory of the River
Mashavera nearby the Mtskneti Village, Bolnisi Region,

4. “Satsarmouzrunvelkofa” submitted the EIA report on the activity
of the second category – Project on the Development of the Career for
Extracting Volcanic Slag in Tsalki Region “Gunia-Kala” Deposit, for
using it as the Addition to Concrete;

5. Community Healthcare Regional Center of Imereti submitted the
EIA report on the activity of the first category – EIA Report on the
influence of the Mini-Incinerator Used for the Utilization of the Wastes
of Regional Epidemiological Monitoring Center of Imereti Community
Healthcare Regional Center;

6. “Avtogas” Ltd submitted the EIA report on the activity of the
first category – EIA Report on the Natural Gas Station in Gurdgani
Region Village Veliscikhe’

7. “Avtogas” Ltd submitted the EIA report on the activity of the
first category – EIA Report on the Natural Gas Station Nearby

8. “Kartuli Minerali” (“Georgian Minerals”) Ltd submitted the EIA
report on the activity of the second category – Resource-Audit and
Processing of Tuff Deposit in Kherordzula Region

9. Entrepreneur “Paata Sharashide” submitted EIA report on the
activity of the first category – EIA Report on the Liquid Gas Pour Out
Station in Ozurgeti;

10. Entrepreneur “Omar Tsereteli” submitted the EIA report on the
activity of the first category – – EIA Report on the Manganese
Enrichment Mini-Enterprise of Chiatura Region.

6. Meeting on International experience and perspectives in
Strategic Environmental Assessment

Meeting on International experience and perspectives in Strategic
Environmental Assessment will be held on September 26-30, 2005 in Prague

IAIA plans to publish conference proceedings on CD-ROM following the
conference. Preparation of a full paper is optional. If you choose to
prepare a full paper, it will be included in the CD-ROM.

For publication on the conference CD-ROM, materials must be submitted
electronically. File format: MS WORD or PDF. E-mail the file as an
attachment to impact@iaia.org no later than 10 June 2005. Files received
after 10 June will not be included in the proceedings. The following
information must be included in the Subject line of the e-mail and
should also be the name of the Word file: 1) Your paper or poster
abstract number as previously provided to you by IAIA (in your
preliminary notice of acceptance). This number is also available online
or from your session chair; 2) Last name of presenting author, as
originally submitted; 3) Full title of paper or poster. EXAMPLE: The
“Subject” line of your e-mail and the name of the attached Word or PDF
file would be: #107 Chan EIA in China.

IAIA reserves the right to cancel production of the CD-ROMs if a
sufficient number of papers are not received by the due date of 10 June.
Watch the newsletter, web site, and e-news for updates and information
about proceedings.

Additional information available at

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 75 19 03/04
Fax: ++995 32 75 19 05
E-mail: info@cenn.org

Topchian Jane:
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