Report: Two Turkish troops, two rebels killed in clashes in eastern

Report: Two Turkish troops, two rebels killed in clashes in eastern Turkey

AP Worldstream; Jul 25, 2005


Kurdish rebels killed two Turkish soldiers in a clash in eastern
Turkey near where the country’s borders with Armenia and Iran
converge, a military official said.

The clash took place in the province of Agri, the official added. The
official spoke on condition of anonymity. Turkish officials are rarely
allowed to speak on the record.

Private NTV television reported that two rebels were also killed in
the clash, but military officials could not immediately confirm that

In another clash in Sirnak, near the borders with Iran and Iraq,
Turkish security forces killed two other Kurdish rebels, the Anatolia
news agency reported.

Clashes between autonomy-seeking rebels and security forces have
increased in the past few months. Since May, 44 rebels and 33 soldiers
have been killed in the fighting.

More than 37,000 people have died in the clashes since 1984.

In Istanbul, a soldier was injured Monday when an unknown assailant or
assailants fired shots at troops who were training at their barracks,
CNN-Turk television reported.

The station said five or six shots were heard at the barracks in the
district of Tuzla on the outskirts of the city.

Kurdish, leftist and militant Islamic groups are active in the city.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress