VivaCell addressed to body regulating telecommunications in Armenia

PanArmenian News Network
July 25 2005


25.07.2005 05:55

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Second cellular operator Karabakh Telecom entered
the Armenian market under the trademark of VivaCell on July 1. `The
response is rather positive and we have some big expectations.
However we are experiencing serious problems with ArmenTel’,
K-Telecom General Manager Ralph C. Yirikian said in a conversation
with `.am’ PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, two operators
cannot establish normal communication with each other. VivaCell
subscribers often have problems with international calls. `In the
evening our subscribers cannot make or accept international calls.
The fact is that ArmenTel is still holding monopoly for international
communication and we are dependent on it. We have many times
addressed with official statements to ArmenTel and the regulating
body in charge for the telecommunications in Armenia. However no
response has been received yet. If no steps are undertaken we will
appeal to the Anti-monopoly Commission’, he noted. Despite the
difficulties available the company is continuing to expand its
network throughout Armenia. The General Manager assured that till
October 2005 VivaCell will cover all the regions of Armenia.
Presently the network covers the regions of Armavir, Aragatsotn
Kotayk and partly Gegharkunik. When touching upon the tariffs, Palph
C. Yirikian stated the company is not going to lower the service
prices yet.