Categories: News

Environmental magazine announces journalism contest

International Journalist’s Network
July 26 2005

Environmental magazine announces journalism contest

August 20 is the deadline for journalists in Armenia, Azerbaijan and
Georgia to enter a contest for the region’s best investigative
reports on environmental issues.

Caucasus Environment magazine is organizing the contest, to be
officially announced in their next issue. Submissions can cover any
specific environmental problem in the Caucasus, from pollution and
waste management to environmental legislation in the region.

Articles should be two to three pages long. All entries should be
sent to the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Catherine Nakashidze, at
katya.nakashidze@cenn.org or magazine@cenn.org.

Caucasus Environment launched in early 2002 with funding from the
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Online
subscriptions are available at

Jalatian Sonya:
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