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Armenia complains about misssing flag at Council of Europe

Armenia complains about misssing flag at Council of Europe

Agence France Presse — English
August 2, 2005 Tuesday 6:07 PM GMT

EREVAN Aug 2 — Armenia protested Tuesday to the Strasbourg-based
Council of Europe after its flag disappeared from outside the
organisation’s building last weekend.

“The Armenian foreign ministry condemns the theft of our national flag
and demands to know the circumstances surrounding this disappearance
and that adequate measures be taken in respect of the criminals who
have carried out this act,” it said in a letter to the secretary
general of the 46-member council.

The flag vanished Saturday and Armenia’s representative on the council
immediately informed the council’s security service and demanded it
be replaced, the ministry said.

The council apologised, it said, but referred it to the French police
who are responsible for security at the site.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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