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Armenian flag disappears from CoE building in Strasbourg


PanArmenian News Network
Aug 2 2005

02.08.2005 02:56

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On July 30 evening the Armenian flag and nameboard
disappeared form the area of the Council of Europe building.
Armenia’s permanent representation in the Council of Europe
immediately informed the Council of Europe Security Services and
demanded the Armenian flag be put the in its place as soon as
possible. As reported by the Armenian Foreign Ministry press service,
Director of the Council of Europe Secretary General’s Personal Office
Jan-Lois Loran was informed about the incident and apologized for it.
At the same time the office officials said that the Council of Europe
Security Services are responsible only for the security of the
entrance of the building and its inside. The cameras placed on the
building follow only the entrance and they do not observe the place
where the flags are hanging. The control of the building’s territory
is implemented by the French police which was informed about the
incident. The Armenian Foreign Ministry has addressed a note of
protest to the Council of Europe General Secretariat condemning the
incident and demanded to find out the circumstances and carry out
relevant measures for punishing the criminals. “The Armenian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs resolutely protests against the incident and
demands to implement necessary steps for preventing vandalism against
the national symbols of the Council of Europe member countries,” the
note says.

Nalbandian Albert:
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