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NKR: Government Appreciates NGOs


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
01 Aug  05

NGOs foster democracy, civil society and an atmosphere of trust. On
July 29 Vice Prime Minister Ararat Danielian conducted a consultation
with the representatives of NGOs and discussed the relationships
between the authorities and the NGOs what place these organizations
hold among the priorities of the government and what contribution the
latter has in their development. Ararat Danielian mentioned that the
NKR government and the president personally highly praise the
activity of NGOs, and everything possible is done to support them.
The fact is that if there were only 15 NGOs in 2000, presently they
count 65. Besides, the financial support they receive from the state
budget grows every year. In 2005 the government provided 36 million
drams for NGOs and newspapers in NKR. For further fostering of NGOs
the government has worked out a project of a social compact which
will present a written agreement between the executive power and the
NGO. The agreement which will maintain the rights and duties of the
organizations will favour development of cooperation between the
authorities and the NGOs and the solution of the problems the country
faces. The participants of the meeting expressed their opinions about
the document; a number of valuable proposals were made.



Jidarian Alex:
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