Azeri leader says no need for authorities-opposition dialogue

Azeri leader says no need for authorities-opposition dialogue

ANS TV, Baku
19 Aug 05

[Presenter] President Ilham Aliyev has visited Ismayilli District
[central Azerbaijan]. [Indistinct sentence omitted]

[Aliyev] There have been no results [in the Nagornyy Karabakh
settlement] and we can see this. At the same time, there are hopes.
As long as we have hopes, we should continue the talks because as a
result of the work done, the international community has adopted an
unambiguous approach to the issue.

I believe that the achieved progress is important but does not
guarantee the signing of a peace agreement. The occupied territories
must be freed. Refugees and displaced people should return to their
native lands.

[Correspondent] President Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan’s military
potential is much higher than that of Armenia and that the Armenians
should understand the importance of acting in accordance with this

[Aliyev] We understand that the security of the Armenians of Nagornyy
Karabakh should be ensured and this is natural and normal. However,
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity is not a subject of negotiations and
can never be so. Separatism is unacceptable. No-one and no structure
can exist for a long time in an isolated form.

[Correspondent] The president highly valued the authorities-opposition
dialogue and commented on the [opposition] Azadliq electoral bloc’s
calls on Ilham Aliyev to participate in this dialogue.

[Aliyev] There has never been a dialogue between the authorities and
opposition since our independence and we have not had such a political
experience. This was a major shortcoming.

In general, there is no need for dialogue since the public have made a
clear-cut choice and support our policy. But dialogue between parties
is important, of course. Major disagreements usually take place
between parties. From this point of view, I believe, the current
format is appropriate. High-ranking officials and an MP from the
[ruling] New Azerbaijan Party have attended the dialogue and I think
this level is enough for the present time.

[Correspondent] Ilham Aliyev believes it is pointless for the president
to intervene and stop smear campaign in the media.

[Aliyev] How can I intervene in this process? We have freedom of the
press and freedom of expression. Newspapers write what they want and
you know that we are not going to influence any media outlet. This is
why these requests should be made to those media outlets that have
specific flaws. As the president, I am in favour of the free press
and at the same time, I believe that for the normal development of
our country, any political struggle should be fought in compliance
with ethical standards.

[Correspondent] Speaking about the list of candidates [to run in
November parliamentary election], Ilham Aliyev said it was satisfactory
and was drawn up under his personal supervision.

[Aliyev] As the [New Azerbaijan] party chairman, I played an important
role in drawing up this list and my opinion was reflected there. I
believe that those who have done a lot for the party and influential
public figures should definitely be included in the list. At the same
time, there should be refreshing changes, like those in society. There
are refreshing changes taking place in our party.

[Passage omitted: reported details]