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BAKU: Agreement on military partnership signed b/w Azerbaijan andLat

Today.az, Azerbaijan
Aug 19 2005

Agreement on military partnership signed between Azerbaijan and

19 August 2005 [09:29] – Today.Az

The visit of the minister of defense of Azerbaijan, general-colonel
Safar Abiyev to Latvia finished. The visit was realized on invitation
of the minister of defense of Latvia Eynars Repsher.

According to the information given to APA from the press-service of
the Ministry of Defense, a meeting was conducted between S.Abiyev and
the commander of the National Armed Forces of Latvia, Vice-admiral
Gaydis Andreys Zeybots during the visit. Safar Abiyev also met with
the minister of defense of Latvia Eynars Repsher on that day.

The minister of defense of Azerbaijan gave information about the
partnership of our country with NATO, participation of Azerbaijan in
the international anti-terror coalition and the Armenia-Azerbaijan
conflict: ~SWe believe that all countries will recognize Armenia as an
invader country sooner and require it to leave the occupied
territories of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan will restore its territorial
integrity and we will not give even one inch of our land to Armenia.
All occupied lands including Nagorno Karabakh must be returned back
to Azerbaijan. Only after this we can agree to give autonomy to
Nagorno Karabakh and guarantee security of its population and
development of the economy~T. E.Repsher, in his turn, stressed that
Latvia supports territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and valued highly
Azerbaijan~Rs participation in the peace-forming mission.

After the meeting, the ministers signed an agreement on partnership
in the field of defense between the Ministries of Defense of Latvia
and Azerbaijan. The agreement intends experience interchange in
connection with participation in the measures conducted in the frame
of the ~SPartnership for Peace~T program and NATO, defense policy and
strategy, commanding and management, supporting international peace
and humanitarian operations, military construction and military
reforms, partnership in the military education, military-technical,
military-scientific and other fields.

Besides, S.Abiyev also met with the chairman of the Sejm of Latvia
lady Ingirida Udre, minister of foreign affairs Artis Pabriks and
chairman pf the Defense and internal affairs committee of the Sejm of
Latvia Yuris Dalbinsh. S.Abiyev also was acquainted with the activity
of the Quest-Rescue Service Center acting inside Military Naval
Forces of Latvia.


Chalian Meline:
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