BAKU: Armenia confirms Azeri serviceman capture

Azerbaijan News Service
Aug 20 2005

2005-08-20 17:43

Armenian Defense Ministry Press Secretary Seyran Shahsuvaryan
confirmed that Ramil Khudaverdiev, sergeant of Azerbaijan Army has
been taken hostage. He said serviceman was captured two weeks ago.
Currently Ramil Khudaverdieb is kept in an isolation ward in Armenia.
According to Red Cross Committee Erevan Representation, the hostage’s
state is satisfactory. OSCE Chairman Personal Representative Anji
Kaspirshic considers as an undesirable case that Ramil Khudaverdiev’s
is still kept in hostage. According to him, keeping the Azeri
serviceman in hostage ahead of Azeri and Armenian presidents could
have negative impact on negations. “I am completely sure that the
hostage will be released. The conflicting sides have an agreement on
this issue. According to that agreement taken hostages must be freed
within a short period. so, again I make you sure that the hostage
will be released”, said Anji Kaspirshic