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Sevres Treaty turns 85

Sevres Treaty turns 85


19 Aug 05

Signed by the legitimate authorities of the time, the Severs Treaty
had a great significance for Armenia, and could be revived if the
international situation becomes more advantageous for Armenia and if
Armenia itself lays its demands before the international community.

The Dashnaktsutiun made the first steps to revive this document in
1970’s when marking the 50th anniversaries of the Treaty and the
Armenian Genocide. And it is not surprising that the Armenian
political forces operating in a relatively free conditions outside
Armenia unofficially backed by Yerevan, put aside their differences
and were united around the idea of getting back the Armenian
territories that Sevres Treaty describes as Armenian.

The movement was not crowned by success but on the background of
reshaping the map of the Middle East, the Treaty was this way or
another included in the policies of the great powers. The most
successful result was the 1987 resolution of the European Parliament
on the Armenian issue.

Today, we are marking the 85th anniversary of the Sevres Treaty in a
completely different environment. Armenia is independent again.

Transcaucasus and Middle East play a greater role in the new
geopolitical developments. All the packages are open now for reshaping
the map of the region, and the Sevres Treaty is of great significance
as a matter of fact. If the leaders of the of the new world order
realize the need to reconsider the rights forced by brutal force and
establishing a new world based on freedom and democracy, then the
Sevres Treaty has not lost its meaning.

The Sevres Treaty is an important document for regional states and
great powers, and the tomorrow’s prospect for a better life in Middle
East and the world depends on the fair solution based on this treaty.

Jalatian Sonya:
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