Karen Aristakesian: No bribe was offered to jury

AZG Armenian Daily #149, 24/08/2005



Daily Azg published an article about disqualification of Anush Grigorian on
August 20. The article also said that Karen Aristakesian, chairman of “Miss
Armenia” national agency, offered bribes to the jury. Our article was based
on the press release send by the Beauty International Organization from
Panama to our newspaper. Learning about the accusation from our article, Mr.
Aristakesian came to our office and handed his refutation to Azg. Below we
present it as it was:

As a jury member at the final round of Miss Intercontinental, I defended my
country and its representative at the contest. I see this precedent as the
result of clashes of interests (no matter between states or individuals).

I bribed no one and had no negotiation with any jury member on this subject
before the contest and after it. Anyone aware of the technology of beauty
contests will immediately understand what has happened. A beauty contest is
a peculiar game. The contest organizers have taken back from “Miss Armenia”
national agency the only thing they gave – the contest licenses. (Anush
Grigorian being forth in the contest did not even receive $1.000 and the
ribbon indicated the place she won).

That’s their right and no one can take it from them as no one can grab our
national beauty and dignity. Even if they did not demand the licenses back,
the agency would not participate in any further contests organized by the
World Beauty Organization. It was only this year that Armenian beauties
achieved such great results in international contests. Frankly speaking,
this precedent speaks well for the victory of our country and its
representative. The beauties of Armenia, as well as Anush Grigorian, will
take part in other international contests.