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New Documentary About Armenian Genocide On Canadian Television

By Hakob Tsulikian

AZG Armenian Daily #151, 26/08/2005

Armenian Genocide

On July 16-19, the Canadian Glob Prime television network aired a
new documentary on Armenian Genocide by Montreal-born young lawyer
Harry Tigranian.

The 30-minute-long film features Harry’s grandfather Harutyun Tigranian
from Cesaria in Turkey who, having survived the Armenian Genocide,
arrived in Armenia and met with foreign minister Vartan Oskanian and
historian Verzhine Svazlian, visited Tsitsernakaberd and New Cesaria.

Film director Rohan Fernando and producer Suzan Gerard are sure that
the documentary will contribute to the international recognition of
the historic truth, Armenian Mirror Spectator weekly informs.

Years ago, Harry Tigranian helped an Armenian from Turkey to win a
lawsuit in Canada to have the right to change his last name “Baghpan”,
forcibly accepted in Turkey, for Armenian “Pahapan(ian)”.

It’s incredibly difficult to change a surname in Canada (almost
impossible) even for married couples. Applying his skills in law, Harry
managed to prove that the man’s wish was not an idle whim but an issue
of social status. The name of “Baghpan” imposed by Turks reduced his
status to one of a gardener (baghpan means gardener), whereas “Pahapan”
(meaning guard) presupposes a higher status of a protector (in somewhat
Biblical sense). Giving in to such explanation, the judge satisfied
the petition. This “minor” case, as it may seem from the first sight,
become a chance to tell the judges, the jury and all participating
at the sitting about the tragedy that the Armenians of Turkey endured.

Tigran Tigranian is Harry’s son. He is a doctor and a wonderful
translator and commentator of Argentinean stories and poetry.

Jilavian Emma:
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