Watertown High continues to enhance Armenian language program


Watertown TAB & Press, MA
Aug 26 2005

After meeting with representatives of the local Armenian-American
community this past summer, the superintendent of schools and principal
of Watertown Public High School have agreed that maintaining two
Armenian-language courses in the high school would better accommodate
the educational needs of the student population, reported the Armenian
National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts.

While students were off enjoying their summer vacation, local
ANC activists learned that the Watertown Public High School was
considering combining three levels of Armenian-language students into
one class with one teacher for the upcoming school year.

After investigating the issue, the ANC learned from parents and
students that there were more than 20 students of at least three levels
of Armenian language skills enrolled in the Armenian language classes,
which would have resulted in an inferior learning environment if the
classes were combined.

Since this was understandably a major concern for parents and
students, the ANC of Eastern Massachusetts raised the issue at a School
Committee meeting in June, and the Watertown TAB ran a front-page
story on the issue the following week, citing the concern of parents
with children enrolled in the classes.

The ANC met with Principal Michael Noftsker of Watertown High
School, a strong advocate of enriching programs which enhance
Watertown’s ethnic diversity. Noftsker shared the community’s concerns,
but was not sure a solution would be reached by the 2005-2006 school

In a subsequent meeting with Watertown Superintendent of Schools
Steven Hiersche last month, ANC representatives again outlined the
issue and asked that the matter be reconsidered. The superintendent
assured the ANC that the decision to make the change was not related
to budget restrictions nor intended to diminish the Armenian language
program, agreeing that combining three language levels did not offer
an ideal learning environment for Watertown students, and he pledged
to work with Noftsker toward a solution.

The ANC of Eastern Massachusetts was pleased to learn soon after
that meeting that the Armenian-language courses would continue to be
taught as originally intended with at least two separate classes in
September 2005 addressing the different levels of students.

“We would like to thank Superintendent Hiersche and Principal
Noftsker for their commitment to the diverse educational needs of
Watertown students and for their deep understanding as we presented
the concerns of parents and students,” said Sharistan Ardhaldjian of
the ANC.

“We are proud that Watertown students are learning in the hands
of such committed leaders. We applaud the town of Watertown and
particularly the school system. Watertown High School is the only
area school that offers Armenian as one of its language courses,
in recognition of the diversity of local cultures, and we are glad
that students of all nationalities will continue to be able to learn
Armenian in the best possible environment in the public school system,”
said Ardhaldjian.

The Armenian National Committee is the largest Armenian-American
grassroots political organization in Massachusetts and nationwide.
The ANC actively advances a broad range of issues of concern to the
Armenian-American community.