BAKU: Public TV to hold peculiar & significant place in Azerbaijan


AzerTag, Azerbaijan
[August 29, 2005, 22:03:29]

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Dear friends,

We are having a landmark day. The public television is being
established in Azerbaijan and today it begins functioning. To this
end, I congratulate all of you. Sure, the public television will hold
peculiar place in the Azerbaijan television space and deserve respect
of the onlookers.

Today I have acquainted with the facilities in TV, and its staff. I
can tell, the faculties are of high standard. The television is ready
to start.

We all know the history of establishment of the Public TV. I would
not take much time. I consider establishment of television current
year is of special importance. No secret that creation of Public
TV was one of the obligations Azerbaijan took before the Council of
Europe. We had to do it. At the same time, it was a necessity. The
Azerbaijan mass media, including tele-channels provide the people with
sufficient information. Nevertheless, there was need for independent
television in the country.

I have spoken on this several times and reiterate that in Azerbaijan,
there is great need for fully independent press, and media. Creation of
the Public TV is a great and important step in this direction. I hope
after a while truly independent media will be created in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan experiences transition period. Our country marches from
one social structure to another. In this case, perhaps, mass media
faces political pressures. Greater part of media is under influence
of political circles. I reiterate that probably it is natural. But
every phase has ending, and limits. I hope all-round development
of Azerbaijan, the ongoing political processes, the process of
democratization will bring new environment to our country.

Public life in Azerbaijan is enough rich. The happenings in Azerbaijan,
their analysis, the ongoing process in region, and the role and
place of Azerbaijan in these processes, of course, arouses great
interest. Perhaps, activity of the Public TV will be important in this
direction. And also I hope the television will cover the problems our
country is concerned with. The Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, the problems we face, unemployment, poverty, combat against
corruption establishment process of legal and democratic state,
etc. are the questions majority of society is concerned with.

The press plays great role in protection of our country’s national
interests. We have been witnesses many times that in some cases certain
information of the Azerbaijan press echoes in region. We should be
sensitive and in this question. We should know that Azerbaijan lives
in war conditions. Both negative and positive processes in the country,
undoubtedly, are watched by the enemy and found serious reaction.

In my activity, I always support the press. And today I pursue this
policy. I count that he adopted decisions are evidences to that. And in
my future activity I shall try to assist the Azerbaijan mass media. I
am confident, mass media has great role in building of normal, legal,
democratic state and this becomes more and more important.

Azerbaijan is on the threshold of parliament elections and in some
cases they used to connect the creation of public television in this
phase just with the parliament elections. Perhaps, there is also this
factor. But the parliamentary elections will pass on November 6, and
now the television has a lot to do, and it has to go far. Of course,
activity of the television is of great importance in connection with
the elections. Sure, all the candidates for election will address
through public TV directly to their electors, and all of them will
have equal conditions.

I hope the public television will hold peculiar and significant place
in Azerbaijan. I once again would like to say that I look forward that
it will deserve respect of the audience and play its significant role
in future development of our country.

According to information I was provided, the specialists employed in
the public TV are professionals. I hope all these factors will promote
the public television to play important role in Azerbaijan TV space.

I wish success to the public TV. I wish health, happiness to its
personnel. I wish the press and television of Azerbaijan developed
and worthily served our people. Happy holiday. Thank you.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress