Turkish PM’s Promotion Of Interfaith Dialogue Causes Dispute In Ruli


Milliyet web site, Istanbul
29 Aug 05

Text of report by Abdullah Karakus, “‘Encounter’ supported by Erdogan
creates controversy”, published by Turkish newspaper Milliyet web
site on 29 August; subheadings as published

The “Meeting of Civilizations” with the theme of “inter-religious
dialogue” that is to be held in Hatay from 25 to 30 September
has brought a reaction from within the AKP [ruling Justice and
Development Party], despite support for it from Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan. AKP Hatay parliamentarian Fuat Gecen, who has come
out against the meeting, to which Erdogan ascribes great importance,
has said: “Hatay is turning into a Vatican under the name of peace.”

Conveying to Erdogan via the deputy [parliamentary] group chairmen his
criticisms of the First Hatay Meeting of Civilizations, at which the
three religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam will be represented
and messages of peace will be conveyed to the world, and calling on
him to intervene in the situation, Gecen spoke as follows:

“An effort is being made to turn Hatay into a Vatican. Certain things
have begun to be done one after another. First the rhetoric on the
Kurdish issue, then the Armenian game [the Istanbul conference on
the Armenian genocide issue], and now incidents of people changing
their religion. The church bell, the cantor and the call to prayer
[rhymes in Turkish: can , hazan, ezan] will all be heard at the same
time. They talk of peace and dialogue, but these things harm us. It
is the common people who suffer and no one sees this.”

Stressing that the efforts carried out under the rubric of
“inter-religious dialogue” are misguided, Gecen said: “Sensitivity
should be displayed on the topic of religion. The EU is reportedly
financing this meeting with a great deal of money. Why? Because
it suits their interests. A fourth church is about to be opened in
Hatay. They provide assistance to poor students and they change their
religion. Missionary activities in Hatay are increasing with every
passing day. Preventive measures should be taken.” Stating that in
order to protest against the meeting being held in Hatay, he did not
attend the meeting in Ankara that Erdogan went to, Gecen said: “An
emblem has reportedly been prepared for the meeting of civilizations
in Hatay. But the minaret is barely visible in it, and can’t be made
out. They have just put its shadow, so as not to cause reproach. This
is outrageous.”

Erdogan sees as important

Erdogan had said at the publicity meeting held in Ankara that he
ascribed great importance to the First Hatay Meeting of Civilizations.

Erdogan had said: “A different message will be conveyed to
Europe there. People should no longer be victims of the clash of
civilizations. Let us never enter into pessimism on account of
beliefs and let us not be disrespectful towards people of different
beliefs. Let us not foist ideologies upon believers as ‘religion’.”

Soydan: Hatay meeting is proper

Meanwhile, AKP Hatay parliamentarian Mehmet Soydan has said that he
considers it proper for the meeting to be held in Hatay. Soydan spoke
as follows: “I think that whatever people’s beliefs are, they should
live them. Those who complain about the increase in churches should
first be of assistance in people’s learning Islam and in eliminating
the obstacles to Koran courses. We have to respect other religions
as well. We have to attach importance not to the conflict between
religions but to their coexisting in peace. As long as there are great
goals, I don’t consider it correct to concern ourselves with minor
issues. Nor do I share Fuat Gecen’s thinking in terms of Hatay. No one
is obliged to believe the way I do. Those who have religious beliefs
can espouse their beliefs. There has to be this freedom. The Turks
in Europe also live their Islam. We cannot have anything such as not
allowing other religions to live in our own country. In the past,
our ancestors also allowed the three
religions to live together. And Jerusalem is an important place for
all three religions.”

Missionary activities falsehood

AKP Hatay parliamentary Ismail Soylu also gave support to the
meeting. Noting that people should live together without any
distinction in terms of religion or sect, Soylu said: “The important
thing is for people to be people. It does not matter whether one has
become a Jew or a Christian. The allegations that Muslims in Hatay
are being turned into Christians are lies. There cannot be any such
thing. Everyone is living in accord with their own beliefs.”