United Labour Party Of Armenia To Support Draft ConstitutionalAmendm


YEREVAN, AUGUST 31. ARMINFO, United Labour party of Armenia will
support the draft constitutional reforms at the November referendum,
as the document positively differs from the acting Constitution,
meets international standards and is able to ensure small, but a
progress in the development of Armenia. ULP leader Gourgen Arsenian
stated during the extraordinary session of the parliament, Wednesday.

He stressed that the extent of the participation of the ULP in the
agitation campaign of the draft will depend on that how much are the
proposals of his party will be acceptable for the authors of the
document. Arsenian pointed out that the draft of the constitutional
amendments is considerably revised and practically meets the draft of
the reforms elaborated by the ULP, which was earlier rejected by the
parliament. “The ULP respects the opinion of the CE Venice Commission
regarding the draft constitutional amendments of Armenia and think if
the draft fails at the referendum, then the situation will change in
Armenia, and the degree of the participation in the EU program “Wider
Europe: New Neighborhood Policy” will be reduced”, Arsenian said. He
stressed that the future of Armenia will depend on the results of the
referendum, and all the political forces must realize it. He called
on all the political forces not to try to split the society of the
country at this moment.

Arsenian said that the representatives of all the political forces
must try to make clear to every citizen of Armenia how important
decision they are to make at the referendum. At the same time the ULP
leader said that his party will not permit distortion of the results
of the referendum, as possible falsifications at the referendum will
have more negative consequences for Armenia than the failure of the