Armenian Defence Minister Welcomes Constitutional Reform


Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
1 Sep 05

[Presenter] Asked by journalists at the Vazgen Sarkisyan Military
Institute to comment on the parliamentary discussions on constitutional
reforms, Armenian Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan said that the
remarks of the opposition bloc were not unexpected.

The Armenian defence minister pointed out that the submitted proposals
were acceptable. The minister said that it is the duty not only of
the coalition, but also of every branch of power today to explain the
gist of the constitutional amendments to the people so that people
know how to vote.

[Sarkisyan] The constitution is the main document that should be
amended in the course of time. There is no country that has not
amended its constitution. It is impossible. If something changes for
the better, this is already progress. These amendments are acceptable
to me.