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AYF Eastern Region Calls for End to Azeri Military Aggression Agains

Armenian Youth Federation-YOARF Eastern US
80 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel. (617) 923-1933
Fax (617) 924-1933

Press Release
For Immediate Release ~ September 1, 2005
Contact: Sossi Essajanian
(617) 923-1933

AYF Eastern Region Calls for End to Azeri Military Aggression Against Karabagh

Organization Leads Protest in Front of Azeri Embassy in Washington, D.C.

WATERTOWN, Mass.- On September 1, over 150 Armenian-Americans in front
of the Azerbaijan Embassy in Washington, D.C., to call attention to
ongoing threats by Azerbaijani government officials to use military
force to deny self-determination to the people of Karabagh. The
protest was organized by the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) Eastern
United States.

For over an hour, demonstrators marched, holding placards that read
“Self-Determination=Human Rights,” “No More Blood for Oil,” and “Aliev,
Stop Threatening War,” reminding the world that Azerbaijan’s government
killed thousands of Armenians in Sumgait and Baku, ethnically cleansing
thousands more from all over Azerbaijan.

Protesters-young and old, from Providence, Washington, D.C.,
Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Toronto,
Chicago, Detroit, and Worcester-spoke out against Azerbaijani President
Ilham Aliev’s threat to resume war against Karabagh.

The group chanted slogans such as, “No more blood for oil! Stop
threatening war!” and Sumgait 1988, never again!” while somber music
played in the background.

In his keynote address, AYF New Jersey chapter alumnus Ken Sarajian
said “I come today with three messages for you. I speak first to the
United States and friends of peace, second to the AYF to say that
I am proud of you. Third, to the Azerbaijanis sitting there in that
building; why do I stand here with a microphone and speak? So that
maybe they will listen. Why? Because when we speak in peace talks,
they do not listen. I speak now so that all can here. Democracy speaks
of self determination, not of we will not yield land.”

Sarajian said, “Some will ask, why don’t we negotiate? We are
willing to talk peacefully with anyone, but we are not willing to
give up rights.”

Other speakers at the protest included AYF Eastern Region chairman
Antranig Kzirian and Armenian National Committee (ANC) Eastern Region
executive director Doug Geogerian, who both spoke about Karabagh’s
right to self-determination and how Armenians should not stand for
Azerbaijan’s militantly aggressive threats.

Providence AYF member Garine Palandjian spoke about her experiences
this summer in Karabagh, while Sossi Essajanian from the Greater
Boston chapter read accounts from survivors and victims of the 1988
Sumgait and 1990 Baku massacres by Azeris.

“I have come here to help get the word out about the Karabagh conflict,
educate non-Armenians about the ongoing political tensions Armenia has
suffered not only with Azerbaijan, but in the 1915 Armenian genocide,”
said Detroit AYF member Teny Mishigian.

The event took place a day prior to the start 72nd annual AYF Eastern
Regional Olympics in Washington, D.C., where over 3,000 are expected
to arrive for the games.

Founded in 1933, the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) serves as the
youth organization of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (YOARF).

The AYF stands on five pillars that guide its activities: education,
political awareness, fellowship, athletics and culture. Moreover,
the AYF promotes a fraternal attitude of respect for the diversity of
ideas and individuals amongst its membership. Unity and cooperation
are essential traits that allow members of the organization to work
together and realize its objectives.


Crowd1: For over an hour, demonstrators marched, holding placards that
read “Self-Determination=Human Rights,” “No More Blood for Oil,” and
“Aliev, Stop Threatening War”

AYFers with flag: Protesters from Boston held the Karabagh flag in
front of the Azerbaijan Embassy in Washington, D.C. during a protest
held by the AYF Eastern region

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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