ASBAREZ Online [09-02-2005]


1. Anger and Unrest Mount
2. Gul Calls on European States to Not Exploit Its ‘Honest’ Behavior
3. Cyprus Threatens to Block Turkey’s EU Entry Talks
4. Vazgen Sargsian Military Scool Gets New Building
6. William Saroyan The Man
7. Turkey Under EU Pressure Over Cyprus
8. Congressman Ed Royce ANCA’s ‘Human Rights Champion’
9. Cyprus Member of Parliament Bedros Kalaydjian Dies
10. Parliament Approves Constitutional Reform Draft in Second Reading
11. Armenian President Congratulates Karabagh Independence
12. Genocide Script among Finalists for Elly Award
13. Zareh at Harvest Gallery
14. Hamazkayin Seeks Actors, Actresses for October 2 Performance at Alex

OUR NEXT POSTING: Due to the Labor Day holiday, our next issue will be posted
on Tuesday, September 6.

1. Anger and Unrest Mount

(Combined Sources)–As the horrors wrought by Hurricane Katrina continue to
mount–the devastation, the evacuation, the looting, the deaths and
destruction–the sheer scale of it begins to defy imagination
Three days after Katrina struck the the US Gulf Coast, more than 2.3 million
people in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama ,and Florida still have no
Officials have so far refused to give a casualty count, but say it could
be in
At least 80,000 people are trapped in New Orleans alone as flood waters
into the low lying city from breached embankments. To rescue the huge
number of
displaced people is the biggest challenge for authorities.
Katrina’s effect on oil supplies and gas prices has spread nationwide forcing
the government to tap its Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Anger is rising against the authorities who did not assess the strength of
hurricane. Thousands who did not leave the city could not afford it, but worse
than the devastation is the lawlessness. Heavily armed gangs are roaming the
streets looting whatever is in sight.
Martial law has been imposed and troops deployed in rescue operations have
been recalled to maintain law and order. The military is increasing the
National Guard force in the area to 30,000; 3,000 regular Army soldiers may be
sent to help end lawlessness in New Orleans.
Health experts warned that the human violence that emerged after Katrina, as
survivors sought food and water, will worsen the psychological debris left by
the natural disaster itself.
After surveying the damage, President Bush said it will take years for the
area to recover. He also warned that there would be zero tolerance of people
breaking the law during the emergency, “whether it be looting, or
at the gasoline pump or taking advantage of charitable giving, or insurance
Addressing the possible death toll, US Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
that there are no numbers, “it could be in the hundreds, or the thousands. I
think it’s going to be shocking”
Congress has planned a special session Thursday night to approve emergency

2. Gul Calls on European States to Not Exploit Its ‘Honest’ Behavior

Turkey defies European Union by refusing to accept Cypriot boats and planes

ANKARA (Reuters)–Turkey defied on Thursday mounting European Union pressure
to open its ports and airports to Cypriot ships and planes, saying they would
remain closed despite the imminent start of Ankara’s EU entry talks.
Turkey, which is due to start EU entry talks on October 3, does not accept
internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government and instead backs
Turkish Cypriots.
But Ankara’s stance, including its refusal to admit Cypriot ships and planes,
now threatens to harm its EU bid by providing ammunition to countries such as
France and Austria that are skeptical about Turkish membership of the bloc.

“Ports and airports are in the services sector, this [opening] is expected
of full EU members,” Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul told reporters at Ankara
airport before flying to Britain to attend a meeting of EU foreign ministers.
“This is different from what is expected of those negotiating [membership]…
Let nobody play politics with Turkey.”
Turkey recently signed a key protocol extending its customs union with the EU
to new member states including Cyprus. But Ankara argues that the customs
covers only goods, not services such as shipping.
Turkey also infuriated Cyprus, France and some other EU member states by
issuing a declaration explicitly stating that the extension of the customs
union did not signal political recognition of the Greek Cypriot

The EU is now expected to issue a counter-declaration and Cyprus has
threatened to block the start of Turkey’s EU talks if the document is not
Turkey says it has done all that is needed to start its accession talks and
accuses some EU member states of exploiting the long-running Cyprus problem to
block the negotiations.
“Turkey behaves honestly and expects honest behavior [from others]… If
Turkey’s honest behavior is exploited on various issues then we can never
accept this,” Gul said.
The Cyprus issue is expected to dominate the two-day meeting of EU foreign
ministers in the Welsh town of Newport.
Even if its talks begin on schedule next month, Turkey is not expected to
the EU before 2015 at the earliest.

3. Cyprus Threatens to Block Turkey’s EU Entry Talks

NICOSIA (Xinhua) Cyprus threatened on Wednesday to block Turkey’s accession
talks to the European Union if it is not satisfied with an EU response to
Turkey’s refusal to recognize Nicosia.
Cypriot government spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides made the remarks after
Turkey said it will only establish ties with the island after a comprehensive
settlement is found and a new partnership state is formed.
Cyprus, which became an EU member state on May 1, 2004, together with nine
other countries, wants an EU reply which underlines that the Turkish
non-recognition stance has no legal significance.
Otherwise, Cyprus said it will block the negotiating mandate. ” If there
is no
debate and agreement on the negotiating framework, the negotiations will not
start,” the spokesman said.
Turkey will open entry talks with the 25-member bloc on Oct. 3, but if the
negotiating mandate is not unanimously adopted, the talks will not open.
EU foreign ministers will meet on Thursday in Newport, Wales, to discuss the
issue, and a declaration is expected soon.
Turkey signed a protocol in July, extending its customs union to 10 new EU
members, including Cyprus, which cleared a last hurdle on its way to opening
entry talks with the EU.
However, Turkey claimed at the same time that its signature to the protocol
doesn’t mean recognition of the Cypriot government.
Cyprus was divided into the Greek Cypriot south and the Turkish Cypriot north
in 1974, when Turkey sent troops invade Northern Cpyrus.
The internationally-recognized south entered the EU representing the whole
island although it rejected a UN reunification plan in April 2004. The
north is
only recognized only by Turkey.

4. Vazgen Sargsian Military Scool Gets New Building

YEREVAN (Yerkir)President Robert Kocharian on Thursday attended the opening of
a new building at Yerevan’s Vazgen Sargsian Military Institute. The President,
along with the Defense Minister, Deputy Defense Minister, and Commanders of
Institute, toured the new building that will house the Institute’s infantry
More than 1,000 cadets currently study in the Institute’s Infantry and
Artillery departments; 300 new cadets have enrolled for the coming year.


I guess I touched a nerve with my last few columns. For the last month and a
half my virtual mail bag has been bursting at the seams with messages ranging
form irate criticisms to uh… well… not so irate criticism.
OK. Fine. I’m prone to exaggeration sometimes.
I did receive a few complimentary letters. One of them was from Uzbekistan
the other one was from New JerseyAmerica’s very own Uzbekistan. I was also
excited to get a few from the mother shipArmenia. Not as excited as I was to
get the note from Uzbekistan, but still, it’s good to know that my rants are
being read all the way in Yerevan.
But with things extremely morose in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and the
devastation along the Gulf of Mexico, I made a promise to myself not to
harp on
any annoying issues in the Armenian news or criticize trends in our community.
In fact, if anything, the scope of the disaster and suffering in New Orleans
made me reflect on how precious life can be.
After all, without the gift of life, how would we ever be able to cruise at
breakneck speeds in our parent’s German luxury sedan on Glenoaks Boulevard in
Glendale while attempting to “pick up” some “kooroh” (noun, Armenian street
slang for “chick;” also see akhchee)? Oops. Almost slipped there. I have to
keep my promise. I’ll lay off of the diaspora hooligans and their ilk.
Instead, I’m going to tear open the ol’ mail bag and dig up some of the more
entertaining messages and share them with you.
So without further delay, let’s get to the Skeptik e-mails. Let’s start with
the responses to my piece on my grandmother and her amazingly frugal, hard
working, survivor generation.

Note: These first few aren’t questions but are all responses to my column
ran in Asbarez on August 5 (“A Recycled Rant from an Angry Armenian

Comment: I like your last article in Asbarez. It reminded me of my mother’s
“ikrah.” Wonderful thing
Ikrah lover Armen unknown location

Comment: Refering to your last column on the recycled rant, I must say that I
can’t agree with you more. My entire image of “The Armenians” has been
shattered ever since I moved to Los Angeles 6 years ago. I believe the basic
problem is a chronic lack of education amongst our population. It’s not only
the youth and their ignorant parents that are to blame, but the so-called
religious/social/political leadership groups in our community. They have
done a
lousy job of providing opportunity for the youth to cultivate the more
productive aspects of themselves and to learn how they can selflessly and
effectively give towards building a better future for the Armenian nation.
Serge Los Angeles

Comment: I am from Uzbekistan (I am not sure that you have heard about this
country, but I can assure you that Armenians are living here as well). Every
time I look through ASBAREZ ONLINE I read your articles. They are really cute
and I appreciate you for such a precise description of Armenians’ conduct and
mentality. Although I have been tracing your writings in this newspaper for
about a year, it is the August 5, 2005 edition that made me write to you. You
are writing about aimlessly wandering young guys spending their parents’
I can make you sure that here in Tashkent, we have the same stuff with young
Armenians. Our organizations are separated and constantly criticizing each
other but commitment to the Armenian Cause is seen as listening to Armenian
music like gangster sort of songs and the heavily courting of blond girls. I
have the same concerns about the future of our community when the elder pass
OK, I just wanted to share with you my comments. Hope they were interesting
for you.
In brief about myself, I am 25, married, have a degree in Law but am working
as freelance translator (English). I was born and live in Uzbekistan
Artur Tashkent, Uzbekistan

It’s too bad our friend is married. I was going to start an online singles
auction for a date with my new friend, Artur.
First of all, I love the fact that there’s an Armenian in Uzbekistan who
“traces” my columns. Secondly, I can’t seem to get the image of the comedic
character of Borat out my head every time I read Artur’s letter. Finally,
it strange that Tashkent, Uzbekistan sounds just like Glendale, California
creepy Uzbeki music).
I love Ikrah lover Armen’s letter. It reminds us that brevity is a beautiful
I have to agree with Armen that “ikrah” is indeed wonderful. It’s one of
dishes that if served it in those fancy Italian restaurants with the crappy
bread basket they bring outeveryone would jump on the bandwagon. You’d see
blogs on the internet about which restaurants on Melrose had the best
dip,” followed by a section in Whole Foods for homemade Ikra from Vermont.
But we are Armenian and that means with out luck; Turks would end up somehow
stealing/getting credit like they did with yoghurt, lokhum, and baklava.
As for the community organizations contributing to the declining state of our
youth, all I want to say is that we can either sit here talking and continue
the problem, or we can roll up our sleeves and try to make differences in our
communities, each in our own way. But as Mark Geragos’s most famous one-gloved
client/pop star Neverland Ranch resident once said “If you wanna make the
a better place~ETake a look at yourself, and then make a change”

Q: I’m sure Dole, Gregorian, and Hovanissian know that taking antiques out of
the country is illegal. I think they were more concerned about the length of
time Turkyilmaz was kept in jail without any action. How come you single out
Dole in your criticism but not the other two?
Raffi from New Jersey

A: I guess I jumped on Senator Dole because he is such a good friend of the
Armenian community and should not be so easily swayed by the folks around him.
He shouldn’t jump head first into an issue before studying all the details.
He’s a former US Senator and Majority Leader. He knows better to study all
sides of an issue before making a rash decision.
I admit that Armenia’s such an easy target to pick on. Its government may not
be perfect but that doesn’t mean this Turkyilmaz guy is innocent.
But neither are the guys who sell him these books or who aid him in taking
these treasures out of the country. I think the biggest crime that took place
is that the people who have been providing these rare books to him were not
arrested as well.

Q: Have you heard anything about a Victoria’s Secret opening up in Yerevan?
Koko from Philadelphia

A: I did a little bit of research on the internet and sure enough, there’s a
store called “Victoria’s Secret” opening up in Yerevan, Armenia. Here’s the
link to the picture for those who are greater (do I dare to use a pun)
than I am:
Lord only knows where the “T” is in the sign. Someone should double check
Turkyilmaz’s luggage. Someone suggested that the “T” is actually stuck in
customs at Zvartnots International Airport.
But what frightens me more than the missing letter T is the whole idea of
having a Victoria’s Secret in Yerevan, Armenia. How do you even begin to
explain to an older Armenian woman what a g-string is or a cleavage-enhancing
bra? How would the bra sizes even work? Would it be by the traditional
Armenian alphabetAyp, Pen, Keem, Tah? Would a double “D” cup bra be called Tah
Tah in Armenia? Would this be considered sacrilegious since 2005 is the 1600th
anniversary of St. Mesrop Mashdots inventing the Armenian alphabet? What
impression will this store leave on tourists who will walk by, look at the
underwearbra ensembles in the window and then look straight up at the
complexes to find clotheslines festooned with the oversized trootseegs and
vardeegs of gold-toothed Armenian grandmothers waving in the wind to dry like
ceremonial flags for some sort of May Day parade? Is there also going to be a
Frederick’s of Little Armenia, Hollywood opening up next? Depending on the
success of this store, will Victoria’s Secret launch a whole new line of
muumuus and have mannequins in its windows wearing slippers and nylons rolled
down to the knees? Inquiring minds need to know!
I guess we’ll all just have to wait and see.

Skeptik Sinikian is a part time Professor at the Yereven Polytechnic
for Advanced Lingerie Design. He will be teaching a course on the physics of
under wire support and gravity. If you wish to enroll or audit his course,
email him at [email protected] or visit his blog at

6. William Saroyan The Man

Photographer Harry Koundakjian remembers William Saroyan on the anniversary of
the writer’s birthday

William Saroyan was born in Fresno on August 31, 1908 and left us in 1981. He
was an internationally renowned Armenian-American writer, playwright, and
humanitarian. His fame and his most enduring achievements as a writer date
to the 1930’s.
His talent was first projected onto the world through the medium of an
Armenian-English newspaper, Hairenik of Boston. With the publication of his
first book, The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, written at the age of
26, he became an overnight literary sensation.
In 1939, the play “Time of Your Life” was given the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
But Saroyan declined the prize, saying that art should not be awarded with
prizes, especially by the rich who had no understanding of such things. He
however, accept the Drama Critic’s Circle Award in that same year.
His novels, “My Name Is Aram” and “The Human Comedy,” were books-of-the-month
in the 1940s. “The Human Comedy,” was turned into a movie in 1940, and the
Academy Award for best picture and original story for the play.
During his lifetime, Saroyan published over sixty books that have been
translated into more than two dozen languages, selling millions.
In the last book published during his lifetime, Saroyan wrote: “My work is
writing, but my real work is being.”
He spoke to and for Armenians, and gave international recognition to his
people at a time when they were met with prejudice and outright hatred. By
international standards, he is very likely the most famous literary figure
produced by his ancient people.
In May 1981, William Stonehill Saroyan died of prostate cancer at the age of
72. “Everybody has got to die,” he said, “but I have always believed an
exception would be made in my case; now what?” He loved America but he did not
forget Armenia. One year after he died, half of Saroyan’s cremated remains
permanently placed in the Pantheon of Greats in Yerevan, Armenia, while the
other half remained in Fresno, California.
In 1991, William Saroyan was the first and only individual to be jointly
honored by the USA, as part of its Literary Arts Series, and the USSR Postal
Services on their Commemorative Postal Stamps.

Harry Koundakjian is the Associated Press’s chief photographer in charge of
13 Arab countries in the Middle East, North and East Africa, Turkey, and Iran.
Koundakjian has been everywhere imaginable and covered everyone from
royalty to
revolutionary. He has had entrée into public and private events, has recorded
death and destruction, and captured life at it highest and lowest moments. His
photographs tell innumerable stories.

7. Turkey Under EU Pressure Over Cyprus

By Daniel Dombey in Newport and Vincent Boland in Ankara

European Union foreign ministers pressed Turkey on Thursday to move towards
full diplomatic and commercial relations with Cyprus and remove a stumbling
block to Turkey’s EU membership talks.
At a meeting in Newport, Wales, the ministers worked on an EU declaration
would increase pressure on Turkey to establish normal relations with Cyprus
not put in question the planned start of the talks with Ankara on October 3.
Britain, which holds the rotating presidency of the EU, hopes the declaration
will defuse the issue of Cyprus, which has overshadowed Turkey’s prospects in
recent weeks.
But the UK still faces a race against the clock to win unanimous agreement
among the EU’s 25 governments on the goals and principles of the membership
negotiations themselves.
“We have not yet had the detailed discussion on the negotiating mandate,”
an EU official. “But if the negotiations start, the EU will have real leverage
in making sure that Turkey implements its commitments.”
France, and Cyprus itself, had previously argued that it was “inconceivable”
to begin negotiations while Turkey did not diplomatically recognise Cyprus,
divided island it invaded in 1974.
Cyprus has also complained vociferously that Turkey still bans its ships from
docking at Turkish ports, despite Ankara’s customs union with the EU.
Nevertheless, both Paris and Nicosia have taken more conciliatory
positions in
recent behind-the-scenes talks.
The UK hopes it has found a satisfactory compromise with a call for the EU to
review Turkey’s implementation of the customs union next year, and a statement
emphasising the need to normalise Turkish-Cypriot relations.
However, Abdullah Gul, Turkey’s foreign minister, adopted a hard line on
Thursday, saying the opening of Turkish ports and airports to traffic from
Cyprus was not covered by the customs union agreement between Ankara and
Brussels as Turkey was not a full member of the EU.
“Expectations from full members and expectations from candidate countries are
quite different,” he said. “Everybody knows what the customs union means.”
At the Newport meeting, the foreign ministers also sought to build support
the EU position to censure Iran at the United Nations Security Council unless
Tehran stopped all suspect nuclear activities.

8. Congressman Ed Royce ANCA’s ‘Human Rights Champion’

Organization will honor Orange County Representative for his long history of
championing rights of all victims of genocide

LOS ANGELESUnited States Congressman Ed Royce (R-40) has been selected to
receive the Armenian National Committee – Western Region’s coveted Human
Champion award for his principal role in human rights issues, including his
forthright stance on the Armenian Genocide. The announcement came on Thursday
that Royce, who serves on the House International Relations Committee as well
as the Financial Services Committee, would be receiving the honor at the
organization’s Annual Banquet that will be held on September 18. The
Banquet is
the ANCA-WR’s gala event, and will be held at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
in Los Angeles this year.
Royce, who is a member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, has
been a strong supporter of issues of concern to the Armenian American
throughout his seven terms in Congress. Most recently, Congressman Royce
cosponsored the Armenian Genocide resolution with Rep. George Radanovich
During his tenure in Congress, the Congressman hosted the ANCA Armenian
Genocide Observance on Capitol Hill, an annually event that draws hundreds of
Armenian Americans from across the country.
He has persistently written the President of the United States urging him to
use the term “genocide” in his annual April 24 addresses, and to help in end
Turkey’s blockade of Armenia. Congressman Royce was honored by the ANC-Orange
County Chapter in 2004.
“Congressman Royce is a strong human rights defender,” says ANCA-WR Chairman
Steven Dadaian. “He not only supports a just resolution for the Armenian
Genocide, but also understands that without the re-affirmation of the facts of
this tragedy, atrocities will continue to occur around the world.”
Royce has a strong history of public service. In 1982, he was elected to the
California State Senate where he began his fight for victims’ rights and has
continued this fight in the Halls of Congress since his election in 1992.
As a member of the International Relations Committee, the Congressman Chairs
the Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation, and is the
Vice-Chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and
International Operations; he is also a member of the Subcommittee on Oversight
and Investigations.
During his tenure as the Chairman of the Africa Subcommittee (1998-2004),
Royce held some 70 hearings examining a wide range of issues of importance to
Africa and the US, and shepherded several legislative initiatives and numerous
resolutions affecting relations between the US and Africa. Hearings in 2004
included confronting war crimes in Africa, reflecting on the Rwandan genocide,
the current genocide in Darfur, and peace prospects in Sudan, the Ivory Coast,
and the Congo. Rep. Royce has led several Congressional delegations to
African countries, including his most recent trip to observe the genocide in
Darfur, Sudan.
The ANCA-WR Annual Banquet regularly draws over 700 individuals, including a
long list of dignitaries, such as prominent Members of Congress and state
legislators, as well as a vast number of Armenian American community leaders
and political activists. The annual event is the largest of its kind and helps
raise funds to operate the nation’s largest and most influential Armenian
American grassroots and political advocacy organization. More honorees are to
be announced in the coming weeks before the annual banquet.
For more information on this year’s ANCA-WR Annual Banquet, or to reserve a
table, call the ANCA-WR office at (818) 500­1918.

9. Cyprus Member of Parliament Bedros Kalaydjian Dies

NICOSIA (Financial Mirror)–Bedros Kalaydjian, the Representative of the
Armenian minority in the Cyprus parliament, died Thursday after a long

Kalaydjian, who turned 71 a week ago, served in the House of Representatives
for two terms.
He was first elected in the by-election of October 22, 1995 and at the
parliamentary elections of May 26, 1996 and May 27, 2001.
Through his parliamentary duties, he often rallied support for Armenia and
Mountainous Karabagh and, like his predecessors, also raised the issue of
Turkey’s denial of the 1915 Genocide of Armenians.
At home, Kalaydjian’s main priorities were educational reform and improvement
of the Nareg elementary schools in Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol.
He played a decisive role in the ratification and adoption by Cyprus in 2002
of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, one of the first
European countries to do so. The Charter anticipated the continuation of the
Melkonian Educational Institute school in Nicosia, which the AGBU Central
in New York decided to close citing financial reasons.
Kalaydjian fervently opposed the decision to close the school and sell off
land, but was unable to persuade the organization’s leadership of the
importance of maintaining the only Armenian secondary school in the European
Union, with its unique boarding facility attracting students from around the
world. He assisted in securing a preservation order and declaring most of the
school grounds a ‘national historic site.’
He was a founding member of the Cyprus – Armenia Friendship Association and
convinced the Cyprus government to sponsor dance, orchestral and art groups
from Armenia to visit the island.
Kalaydjian supported government decisions to maintain Armenian monuments,
including the 19th century historic cemetery near Paphos Gate that was
destroyed, but was expected to be restored. However, he did not live to see
dream project materialize, the establishment of a ‘monument of gratitude’ that
is expected to be built on the Larnaca seafront to mark the arrival of
refugees and survivors of the massacres in Turkey and the subsequent welcome
offered by the people of Cyprus.

10. Parliament Approves Constitutional Reform Draft in Second Reading

YEREVAN (Armenpress)–Armenia’s parliament on Thursday approved by a 98 to 0
vote, and one abstention, a package of proposed constitutional amendments, in
their second reading. Armenian President Robert Kocharian’s spokesman said
that, unlike the acting Constitution that gives the president sweeping powers,
the amendments reserve that role for parliament. “The parliament will have the
leading role–given that political forces are able to organize themselves and
consolidate, but if they fail to do so, the president of the country
should be
able to ensure the country remain immune from crisis,” he said. The third and
final reading of the proposed constitutional amendments is expected in late
September, after which the reform package will be put to a national
within 40 days.

11. Armenian President Congratulates Karabagh Independence

President Kocharian congratulated leaders and people of Mountainous Karabagh
Republic on the 14th anniversary of declaring independence.
In his message, President Kocharian stressed the “historical and irreversible
choice” made in declaring independence, and pointed to Karabagh’s army,
government institutions, and economic progress, as confirmation of their
commitment to developing the country.
The President’s message also stressed Armenia’s commitment to establishing
peace in Karabagh. “We shall do everything possible to approximate the fair,
peaceful, and just solution to the conflict.”
Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR) declared its independence on September 2,
1991 in compliance with international and domestic law, through the
adoption of
the “Declaration of the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh” by the local legislative
councils of Mountainous Karabagh and the bordering Armenian-populated
But Karabagh declared independence not from the Soviet Union, but from Soviet
Azerbaijanan act that fully complied with the existing 1990 Soviet law “On the
Procedures for a Union Republic to Leave the USSR,” that said the secession of
a Soviet republic from the body of the USSR allowed an autonomous district in
the same republic’s territory to also trigger its own process of independence.
Thus, Mountainous Karabagh has never been a part of the independent Azerbaijan

12. Genocide Script among Finalists for Elly Award

SACRAMENTO Aram Kouyoumdjian’s “The Delicate Lines” was named among the
nominees for Best Original Script as the Sacramento Area Regional Theater
Alliance recently announced the nominations of its annual Elly Awards.
“Protest,” a shorter solo performance work by Kouyoumdjian, won a Best Actor
nomination for J.D. Rudometkin.
“The Delicate Lines” follows the story of an Armenian woman in the aftermath
of the Genocide as she struggles with her poet brother’s descent into madness
and with her conflicted love for his best friend. Its companion piece,
“Protest,” is a partly-autobiographical work constructed around a
against Turkish denials of the Genocide.
“It is immensely satisfying to see plays about the Genocide win such
recognition within the theater community,” Kouyoumdjian said.
“The Delicate Lines” received its world premiere this April at California
Stage in Sacramento, where it played to capacity crowds before moving to
similar sold-out performances in San Francisco and Los Angeles. “Protest” is
currently under consideration for production by the Finborough Theatre in
London this fall.
The nomination is Kouyoumdjian’s second consecutive citation in the
playwriting category. He won the Best Original Script award last year for
Farewells.” He has an additional Elly for directing (“Three Hotels”).
Rudometkin is a repeat nominee as well, having previously been
short-listed as
Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Caryl Churchill’s “Far Away,”
directed by Kouyoumdjian.
Kouyoumdjian, an associate member of the Dramatists Guild, is currently
collaborating on the script of “Little Armenia,” which has been
commissioned by
the Fountain Theatre and is slated for production early next year.

13. Zareh at Harvest Gallery

Harvest Gallery will be exhibiting paintings and drawings by Zareh, an artist
who has displayed his art in numerous solo and group exhibitions in the Los
Angeles metropolitan area. He has also staged live, public exhibits including
“The Red Trees of the Armenian Genocide” (2001) and most recently a traveling
series titled “Marry the Priest” (2002). His art has been featured in numerous
mainstream and ethnic publications including the Los Angeles Times, La
Panorama (Russian), Armenian Observer, Armenian Reporter International,
Daily and the Beirut Times.
Born in 1956, in Syria, Zareh moved to civil war-torn Lebanon, where he grew
up. His art represents endless transformation and evolution. “Reality is not
absolute, it is relative. Art is an expression relative to environment and
period,” says Zareh. Immigrating to the United States in 1983, he attended
classes at both UCLA and the Barnsdall Art Center.

Artist Opening Reception: Friday, September 9, 7:00PM to 10:00PM
Exhibition runs September 9 through September 27

Harvest Gallery: 938 North Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA
Open Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00AM to 7:00PM.

For general information about the exhibit, call Harvest Gallery at
818.546.1000 or visit <;;
visit <;www.artistzareh .com for details and
images of
the Artist’s work.

14. Hamazkayin Seeks Actors, Actresses for October 2 Performance at Alex

Four Armenian-speaking actors and actresses in their 20s or early 30s are
sought for a theatrical performance in front of a massive audience at the Alex
Theatre on October 2.
More than 1,200 people are expected at the event, organized by the Hamazkayin
Cultural Society, in commemoration of the Armenian alphabet’s 1600th
The 10-minute performance piece, developed specifically for the event,
will be
a movement-driven dramatization of a choral poem by Siamanto. It will be
collaboratively staged by Elly Award-winning director Aram Kouyoumdjian and
original music composer Sebu Simonian of the band Aviatic. All members of the
ensemble will have a substantial line load.
The auditions, which will consist of cold readings from the script, will be
held on Tuesday, September 6, at 8:00 pm, at 407 E. Colorado Street in
(near Jackson; entrance to the building is from the rear).
Aside from the age and language requirements mentioned above, auditioners
be physically fit, have strong voices, and be able to make rehearsals during
the last two weeks in September.
For further information, please call (213) 280-9859 or e-mail
[email protected].

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