Categories: News

Will Referendum Fail?



| 15:19:19 | 06-09-2005 | Social |

“If the referendum on constitutional reform were scheduled for the next
Sunday would you take part in the voting?” Vox Populi, a project of
the Center on Policy Attitudes held a telephone survey of 668 Yerevan
residents September 2-4, 2005

The survey showed that the Armenian citizens are not ready to adopt
constitutional amendments at present. Below are the results of
the poll.

Yes, I will – 13%

I probably will – 11%

I probably won’t – 23%

No, I won’t – 37%

Undecided – 16%

To note, the majority of the respondents were not familiarized with
the contents of the constitutional amendments

Kalantarian Kevo:
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