Categories: News

Issue Was Not Discussed



| 16:21:40 | 07-09-2005 | Politics |

Today the recurrent session of the Justice bloc took place, during
which the issue of the opposition returning to the Parliament or not
was to be discussed. But it was decided during the session not to
discuss the issue.

“I don’t think the absence of discussion of the issue today will
have disastrous effect for our country”, member of the bloc Viktor
Dallakyan soothed the journalists, “The problem is purely technical,
and I don’t think it is so urgent as to be discussed today. We will
discuss it during our next session”.

Mr. Dallakyan reminded that on Friday the Standing Committee on State
and Legal Affairs will discuss the problem of the absence of opposition
from the Parliament, “and we will not discuss the issue today for
them not to draw conclusions that the reason of our discussion is
their meeting”.

During the session the flaws in the Electoral Code have been
discussed. It was underlined that the flaws are made on purpose so
that to create ground to forge the referendum. Tomorrow the bloc will
render a press conference and make an announcement in this respect.

The bloc also discussed the North Avenue problem and condemned the
cruel attitude of the authorities to the residents of the Buzand

Felekian Ara:
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