Under The Shelter Of <<Orran>>


| 19:46:46 | 07-09-2005 | Social |

“To eliminate begging of children, to help the needy families, to
support the elderly”, this is the motto of the non-governmental charity
organization “Orran” with which it has been working for several years.

The organization celebrates the 5th anniversary of its
activity. Staring from 16 children, now it has 75 children and 100
old people under its care.

In order to represent the work of the organization to the people
and to get their help “Orran” organized an action today calling it
“Month of Orran”.

The opening ceremony of the action took place before the central
entrance of the hotel “Armenia Marriott”.

For a whole month the guests living in the hotel will have the
possibility to buy the works of the children under the care of the
organization and make donations.
