Not Registered

by Vasily Mikhailov

Agency WPS
September 12, 2005, Monday

SOURCE: Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier, No 33, September 7-13, 2005, p.
1, 9

(…) On the international level, there is still no united treatment
of how one must struggle against terrorism. The lists of extremist
organizations vary.


In spite of the all-world acknowledgement of the terrorism existence,
each country decides independently, what principles to pay attention to
when determining rival groupings. As a sequence, there is no terrorist
organization, which is present in all lists simultaneously.

So, in the UNO list there is no Al-Qaeda, as the UNO committee on the
struggle against terrorism is not sure, that this organization exists.


In the European Union, the Framing decision from June 13, 2002, became
the basis for formation of the list of terrorist organizations. It is
oriented at struggle against terrorism at the expense of criminal codex
standards. At the same time, in the EU they decided not to involve
into discussions concerning the term “terrorism” and introduced the
concept “a terrorist crime”. That let Europeans treat queries of
other countries selectively, which concern extradition of terrorist
figures, as it takes place concerning Movladi Udugov, for instance,
who is accused of terrorism in Russia.


According to the estimations of political scientists, the American
list can also be doubted. There are two ways for any organization
to appear in it. The first one is very simple – to kill an American
citizen. The second one is more complicated – one must set out against
the government of that country, for which the US owes something. As
it is considered, because of the death of one American citizen during
the capturing of hostages in Moscow (fall of 2002), and not because of
some other reasons, three Chechen organizations appeared in the black
list of the State Department. These were considered to participate in
that act of terrorism by Americans – Islamite International Brigade,
Islamite Regiment of Special Destination and Brigade of shakhids
Riyadus Salihijn. At the same time, the representative of the state
department noted especially, that the US does not consider all Chechen
warriors to be the terrorists. (…)

British and Canadian lists are created in a simpler way. The Canadians
compile lists of the State Department and UNO, while the British take
the EU list as the basis and add the terrorist organizations, which
are supported in the territory of the United Kingdom. That is why,
in the British list, as nowhere else, there are so much Indian and
Pakistan groupings.

Work under formation lists of terrorist and extremist organizations is
done (at various stages, however) in almost all coalitional structures
in the post-Soviet territory. However, within the frames of Agreement
Organization on Collective Security (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) national lists exist only in four
countries out of six. There are not any in Armenia and Belarus.

At present, within the frames of OASC there is work on forming The
United List of terrorist and extremist organizations, which are a
threat for the collective security of OASC.

Who is the main terrorist in the post-Soviet territory? This task
is being solved by the Antiterrorist center (ATC) in the CIS. But
this work, according to the data of our sources, is at the stage of
receiving and generalizing of national lists from states-participants
of the Community “on organizations and persons, involved in terrorist
and extremist activity”. Besides, the document to concord was sent to
the states, which is analogous to the “Way of formation the United
list…” the work under which is going on in the frames of OASC. In
the beginning of June 2005, head of the department on struggle against
terrorism and drug aggression of the Executive committee of the CIS,
I. Yurkin, declared that “competent organs prepare a common list of
terrorist organizations and groupings, abandoned in the territory
of the CIS”. But on the level of the managing organs, there were
not such decisions. They will hardly be made. Since, for example,
Azerbaijan considers the Armenian President to be the main terrorist.

In Shanghai Organization of Cooperating (SOC), the Regional
antiterrorist structure (RATS) solves this problem. By the present
moment, lists of the SOC-countries have been gathered together. “The
list of terrorist, separatist and extremist organizations” was approved
on its basis at the board of RATS council. The acceptance of any
coordinated measures of law enforcement character in the respect of
the given organizations and persons, is not foreseen. There was not
a single decision on the question on the level of the SOC managing
structures. At the board of the Committee of secretaries of Security
Councils of the SOC countries in June of 2005, only the decision “to
speed up the preparation of a common list of terrorist organizations
and persons involved in terrorism” was made.

In the Organization of Central Asian Union (OCAU) this task was set
in October 2004, at the board of Security Council heads. Heads of
security departments, law enforcement organs and structures on the
guard of the state boundaries will occupy themselves with its decision.

As we can see, the task of forming the lists of terrorist and
extremist organizations is set before many states and international
joints. However, there is a number of serious problems, among which one
can point out absence of norms of national antiterrorist legislations,
absence of united treatment of the concept “terrorism”, which is
politicized often.

The coalitional structures in the post-Soviet territory often face
the same problems. In particular, the work on forming the Concept
of the CIS countries on struggle against international terrorism is
restrained. It must have been approved in Astana (June of 2004!) at the
board of the Presidents. But it was sent for revision by a decision,
made at the united board of MFA heads, the Coordination Council
of General Prosecutors, the Council of Internal Affairs Ministers
and Special Powers, the Council of Boundary troops commanders, the
Coordination council of tax (finance) research heads, the Council of
heads of customs services of the CIS countries, which took place on
April 8, 2004, in Kyiv. The decision was postponed because of lots
of discords. (…)

According to the experts’ opinions, the introduction of concepts
“terrorism, separatism and extremism” to the Shanghai Convention
on the struggle against terrorism did not solve the problem. It is
important for SOC to pay attention to separatism, on the Chinese
initiative. Uzbekistan insists on struggle against religious
extremism. Almost all religious organizations existing in the republic
and their leaders were introduced to the SOC list, and all Uigur
organizations, on the Chinese initiative. It is clear, that other
SOC participants do not divide such treatment of terrorism. So, the
common treatment of terrorism will hardly appear at the international
level in the near future.

List of terrorist and extremist organizations, complied by OASC

1. Al-Qaeda (in the Russian Federation list – Base)

2. Absat al-Ansar

3. Muslem Brothers

4. Eastern-Turkestan Islamite

5. Supreme military Majilisul Shura of Joint Forces of the Caucasian

6. Taliban movement

7. House of two relics

8. Islamite grouping

9. Islamite grouping (DI)

10. Islamite bloc of Turkestan

11. Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan people

12. Lashkar-I-Tayba (LT)

13. People’s Congress of Kurdistan

14. Society of restoration of Islamite Legacy

15. Society of social reforms

16. Organization of Turkestan liberation

17. Bloc of Islamite liberation

18. Sacred war

19. Islamite Bloc of Eastern Turkestan

20. Sect Aum Senrike

21. Sect White Brotherhood

22. Sect Satan’s Church