World Congress Of Armenian Physicists Underway In Yerevan


YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 12, ARMINFO. First World Congress of
Armenian-Physicists has opened at the Armenian National Academy of
Science today. The four-day congress is within the framework of UN
Year of Physics.

Congress Secretary, Professor of Yerevan State University Rafik
Hakobyan says the Congress pursues a goal of uniting the scientists
of the nation, establishing scientific ties, studying topical
scientific problems, first of all. Besides, it aims to inform the
famous physicists of Diaspora of the present state, achievements
and problems of physics in Armenia. Hakobyan says the forum results
may hint the government at the spheres of physics that especially
need support.

Secretary says within the framework of the Congress, 50 reports will
be made on the following topics: astrophysics, nuclear physics and
ultimate particle physics, laser physics, radio-physics, etc.. A
collection of articles will be published on the basis of these
reports. Hakobyan says guests from the USA, Russia, Canada, Sweden,
Germany, as well as representatives from Diaspora of Ireland, Italy
and Turkey have attended the event.