BAKU: Azeri Election: Candidates Seek Voters’ Support In Parliamenta


Azerbaijani TV Channel One, Baku
13 Sep 05

Political pundit Rovsan Novruzoglu, a parliamentary candidate from the
Liberal Party of Azerbaijan, has praised his professional skills and
contribution to Azerbaijan’s independence. In his election broadcast
on Azerbaijani state television on 13 September, he said that his
works have played a significant role in exposing Armenian plots
against Azerbaijan. At the same time, Novruzoglu accused officials
of Baku’s Yasamal district of interfering in the election process.

Siyavus Novruzov, deputy executive secretary of the New Azerbaijan
Party, praised President Ilham Aliyev’s economic policy and accused
his opponents of misinterpreting facts. In his election broadcast
on state TV, he hailed the government’s policy to stamp out bribery
and corruption and accused the parties of the Azadliq election bloc
of corruption. He expressed his confidence that voters will support
Heydar Aliyev’s policy again.

In turn, the founder of the New Policy (YeS) bloc, Eldar Namazov,
highlighted the bloc’s innovation mission. He said that the bloc
includes representatives of three governments and they represent all
strata of society.

Namazov said in his election broadcast that the bloc is fighting for
democratic changes and against corruption in the country. He said that
only national unity will save the country from current lawlessness.

For his part, Ali Karimli, chairman of the People’s Front of Azerbaijan
Party, spoke about the Azadliq bloc’s approaches to the country’s
burning problems. In his election broadcast, he accused the Aliyev
regime of dividing Azerbaijanis into two parts. Karimli said the
majority of the country’s population is unemployed and is leaving
the country in search of a job abroad.

However, a privileged group of people are living a prosperous life,
he said. Karimli accused the privileged class of enjoying all
opportunities in Azerbaijan and exploiting the country’s riches to
their own benefit. He stressed that everybody should be equal before
the law. Karimli said that Azadliq bloc wants to eliminate inequality
in Azerbaijan and called on voters to support the bloc in order for
them to be able to implement their plans.