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BAKU: Occupied Areas Become “Camp For Terrorists”, Says Azeri Offici


ANS TV, Baku
12 Sep 05

[Presenter] Occupied territories in the entire word are used to
cultivate narcotic plants and produce drugs. These territories also
are transit routes for narcotics, whereas funds received from these
activities are used to finance international terrorism, the chairman of
the Azerbaijani state committee on drug addiction and drug trafficking,
Ali Hasanov, has said.

[Correspondent, over video of UN conference in Baku] The 40th session
of the UN sub-commission on illicit traffic in the Near and Middle
East opened in Baku today [12 September]. Representatives of the UN
Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the UN Office on Drug and Crime and over
25 [UN] member states are attending the session. Occupied territories
are being used to cultivate narcotic plants and produce drugs, and
these territories are also transit routes for drugs, the chairman of
the Azerbaijani state committee on drug addiction and drug trafficking,
Ali Hasanov, said, opening the session. The funds received from these
activities are used to finance international terrorism. Aggressive
regimes which are behind all this pose a constant threat to the
international public and peace as they violate international legal
principles and norms.

[Ali Hasanov, addressing the session] We understand this very well
as our country is suffering from separatism and terrorism. A total
of 20 per cent of our territories have been occupied by the Armenian
armed forces and as a result, 1m people have became refugees. The most
dangerous thing is that a new international [word indistinct] has been
created in that area. Narcotic plants are being cultivated [there]
to produce and export drugs. At the same time, various international
terrorist groups have turned this territory into their camp as the
territory is beyond control.

[Passage omitted: UN official spoke about the number of drug addicts
and funds received from illegal drug trafficking in the world]

Tashjian Arbi:
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