Proposals Made By ICG As Reflection Of Struggle For S. Caucasus

Gayane Movsisyan

DeFacto Agency, Armenia
Sept 14 2005

Today representatives of the International Crisis Group made a number
of quite provocative statements on Nagorno Karabakh issue in Yerevan.

Thus, Allen Deletroz, Crisis Group’s Vice President for Europe suggests
that Armenia and Karabakh should “withdraw troops from the occupied
territories”. According to Allen Deletroz, the issue referring to
the status of Nagorno Karabakh is so difficult that is can hardly be
settled today.

Naturally, such statements have been repeatedly made by anonymous
high – ranking officials, however, no one has ever stated it openly.

Answering Armenian journalists’ questions Mr. Deletroz and Sabine
Freizer, Director of Crisis Group’s Caucasus Project, said while
preparing two reports on Nagorno Karabakh they had intentionally
avoided the historic aspects of the problems and conflict, which, in
their words, just hampered the search of the solution. Judging by their
utterances they do not consider the outcomes of the war unleashed by
Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabakh in 1991 the realities of today. “It
will be difficult for the country that has occupied another state’s
territory to integrate with the international community”, said Allen
Deletroz. Answering De Facto question why the international community
could not recognize the outcomes of the national referendum conducted
in December1991 he said: “The issue should be solved by democratic
way. All the sides should agree with the process and its outcomes. The
sides’ stands on the issue referring to status are so far from one
another that it cannot be settled now.”

However, the scenario suggested by the International Crisis group and
voiced by anonymous sources can result not in peace and stability,
but new escalation of confrontation. Who can guarantee that after
Azeri refugees return Baku will agree to deal with the problem of
the status of Nagorno Karabakh? Who can guarantee that international
community or its representatives will not need to unleash military
confrontation to alter the present situation?

As a matter of fact, the International Crisis group suggests that
we should return to the situation of 1988. By the way, it is not
clear whether the matter concerns Azeris’ return to the territories
surrounding NKR only or including NKR. Karabakh people believe
withdrawal of troops from the security zone surrounding NKR is a
suicide. I wonder whether Mr. Deletroz would commit suicide if he
lived in Karabakh.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress