Schedule of the Istanbul Conference [Sept. 23-24-25,2005]

Ottoman Armenians during the Demise of the Empire:
Issues of Democracy and Scientific Responsibility

23 – 24 – 25 September 2005

Boðaziçi University
Garanti Cultural Center
Ayhan Þahenk Conference Room

Organizing Committee

Murat Belge (Professor and Chair, Bilgi University Department of
Comparative Literature),

Halil Berktay (Associate Professor and Coordinator, Sabancý University
History Program),

Selim Deringil (Professor and Chair, Boðaziçi University History

Edhem Eldem (Professor, Boðaziçi University History Department),

Çaðlar Keyder (Professor, Boðaziçi University Sociology Department),

Cemil Koçak (Associate Professor, Sabancý University History Program),

Nükhet Sirman (Professor, Boðaziçi University Sociology Department)

Akþin Somel (Assistant Professor, Sabancý University History Program)

Advisory Committee

Fikret Adanýr (Professor, Bochum Ruhr University, Germany)

Engin Akarlý (Professor, Brown University, USA),

Taner Akçam (Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, USA),

Ayhan Aktar (Professor, Marmara University),

Þeyla Benhabib (Professor, Yale University, USA),

Üstün Ergüder (Professor and Director, Sabancý University, Ýstanbul
Policy Center),

Fatma Müge Göçek (Associate Professor, University of Michigan, USA)

Nilüfer Göle (Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,

Cemal Kafadar (Professor, Harvard University, USA),

Metin Kunt (Professor, Sabancý University),

Þerif Mardin (Professor, Sabancý University),

Oktay Özel (Assistant Professor, Bilkent University),

Ýlhan Tekeli (Professor, Middle East Technical University),

Mete Tunçay (Professor, Bilgi University),

Stefan Yerasimos (Professor, Paris VIII University, France)

23 September Friday

Registration 08:30 a.m.

Opening Statements 09:15

Selim Deringil (Boðaziçi University History Department Chair)

Session 1 09:30-10:40
A Collective View of the Issues

Þerif Mardin
Session Chair

Halil Berktay
What Does the Official Narrative Comprise?

Selim Deringil
Archives and the Armenian Question: ‘Grabbing the Document by the Throat’

Murat Belge
The Armenian Problem from the Standpoint of Democracy

Coffee Break 10:40-11:10

Session 2 11:10-13:00
Differences in Knowledge and Perception between Turkey and the World

Üstün Ergüder
Session Chair

Osman Köker
Armenian Presence in the Ottoman State before the Deportation

Fikret Adanýr
Massacre, Genocide and the Historical Profession

Fatma Müge Göçek
What the World Knows but Turkey Does Not:

The Chicago-Salzburg Turkish-Armenian Workshop Process as an
Accumulation of Knowledge

Nazan Maksudyan
The 1915-1916 Events according to the Historians of the 20th century and
the world

Lunch 13:00-14:00

Session 3. 14:00-15:40
The ‘Old Order’ before the Balkan Wars

Hakan Erdem
Session Chair

Akþin Somel
Armenian Schools and the Regime of Abdülhamid (1876-1908)

Oktay Özel
Locals, Refugees and non-Muslims: some observations on the boundaries

of social harmony in the Black Sea Region during the late Ottoman period

Edhem Eldem
The Istanbul Armenian Incidents of 1895-96

Meltem Toksöz
Adana Armenians and the 1909 “Disturbance”

Coffee Break 15:40-16:10

Session 4. 16:10-18:00
The Point of Rupture: 1912-1915

Mete Tunçay
Session Chair

Stefan Yerasimos
1915: Armenian Autonomy and the Zeytun and Van Incidents

Nesim Þeker
The Armenian Question and ‘Demographic Engineering’

Rober Koptaþ
The Unionist-Dashnak Negotiations and the 1914 Armenian Reform from
the pens of Krikor Zohrab, Vahan Papazyan and Karekin Pastýrmacýyan

Elif Þafak
Zabel Yesayan and the list of ‘marked Armenian intellectuals’

24 September 2005 Saturday

Registration 09:00

Session 5. 09:30-11:00
The Deportation and its Aftermath

Taha Parla
Session Chair

Fuat Dündar
Settlement Policy of the Union and Progress (1913-1918)

Taner Akçam
The Intent and Organization of Genocide, with both the survivors and the
destroyed, among the leaders of the Union and Progress in light of the
Ottoman documents

Cemil Koçak
How Do You Know of the Special Secret Organization (Teþkilt-ý Mahsusa)?

Coffee Break 11:00-11:30

Session 6. 11:30-13:20
Tales of Tragedy and Escape

Ferhunde Özbay
Session Chair

Sarkis Seropyan
Landscapes of conscience from within a Painful History

Fethiye Çetin
>From Heranuþ to Seher, the tale of a ‘liberation’

Ýrfan Palalý
Fatma Ane, the Child of Deportation

Aykut Kansu
Thinking through the Tales of Those Who Survived the Deportation

Lunch 13:20-14:20

Session 7. 14:20-16:00
Witnesses and Memories

Ayþe Öncü
Session Chair

Hülya Adak
The Armenian Question in Memoirs

Ahmet Kuyaþ
What Do the Unionists Say?

Gündüz Vassaf
Armenians in the Educational Calendar (Saatli Maarif Takvimi)

Cevdet Aykan
The Meaning of Memories and The Responsibility of Politics and the Times

Coffee Break 16:00-16:30

Session 8. 16:30-18:00
>From the Threshold of Confrontation to the Formation of Taboos

Selçuk Esenbel
Session Chair

Ayhan Aktar
The Armenian Question in the Ottoman Assembly, November-December 1918

Erol Köroðlu
Examples of Remembrance and Forgetting in Turkish Literature:

the Different Breaking Points of Taciturnity

Baskýn Oran
Roots of a Taboo: the Historical-Psychological Suffication of

Turkish Public Opinion on the Armenian Problem

25 September Sunday

Registratio 09:00

Session 9. 09:30-11:30
The States of Armenianhood

Nükhet Sirman
Session Chair

Hrant Dink
The New Sentences of Armenian Identity in Turkey and the World

Ferhat Kentel
Turkish and Republican Armenian Societies: Boundaries and Prejudice

Karin Karakaþlý,
To Be an Armenian in Turkey: community, individual, citizen

Ferhat Kentel,

Günay Göksu Özdoðan,

Füsun Üstel

Melissa Bilal
An Identity Trapped In Between the Past and Present:

the Experience of Being an Armenian in Turkey

Ayþe Gül Altýnay
Two Books and an Exhibit: The Rediscovery of Turkish Armenians

Coffee Break 11:30-12:00

Session 10. 12:00-13:40
Turkish Democracy and the Armenian Question

Murat Belge
Session Chair

Ali Bayramoðlu
Views and Approaches to the Armenian Question in Turkish Society

Etyen Mahcupyan
The Relationship between Historical Perception and Mentality as

Founding Principle of National Identity in Turkey

Ahmet Ýnsel
The Armenian Question and the Concept of the Enemy Within in Turkish

Murat Paker
Turkish Armenian Issue in the Context of a Psychoanalytic Evaluation of
Turkey’s Dominant Political Culture

Þahin Alpay
What Can Be Done to Reinstitute Turkish-Armenian Friendship?”

Lunch 13:40-14:40

Session 11. 14:30-16:00
Panel: Armenian Question and the Freedom of the Press

Ýsmet Berkan
Session Chair

Yavuz Baydar
(Sabah) newspaper

Kürþat Bumin
(Yeni Þafak)

Oral Çalýþlar

Ahmet Hakan

Fehmi Koru
(Yeni Þafak)

Coffee Break 16:00-16:30

Session 12. 16:30-18:30
Panel: Today and the Future

Halil Berktay
Session Chair

A diplomat :
Temel Ýskit

A lawyer:
Turgut Tarhanlý

A publisher:
Ragýp Zarakolu

A politician:
Cem Özdemir

A historian:
Mete Tunçay

Participants other than those on the Organizing and Advisory Committees

Hülya Adak
Sabancý University:
Assistant Professor (Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies)

Þahin Alpay
Bahçeþehir University:
Assistant Professor (Political Science); Zaman newspaper

Ayþe Gül Altýnay
Sabancý University :
Assistant Professor (Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies)

Cevdet Aykan
Mediical doctor; former deputy of Tokat and Minister of Health

Ali Bayramoðlu
Yeni Þafak newspaper

Yavuz Baydar
Sabah newspaper

Ýsmet Berkan
Radikal newspaper

Melissa Bilal
Chicago University Ph.D. student (ethnomusicology)

Kürþat Bumin
Yeni Þafak newspaper

Ahmet Hakan Coþkun
Hürriyet newspaper

Oral Çalýþlar
Cumhuriyet newspaper

Fethiye Çetin
lawyer, author of the book entitled Anneannem (My Grandmother)

Hrant Dink
Agos newspaper

Fuat Dündar
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) : Ph.D. student

Hakan Erdem
Sabancý University: Assistant Professor (History)

Selçuk Esenbel
Boðaziçi University: Professor (History)

Ahmet Ýnsel
Galatasaray University: Professor (Economics)

Temel Ýskit
retired ambassador

Aykut Kansu
Bilgi University: Associate Professor (History)

Karin Karakaþlý
Agos newspaper

Ferhat Kentel
Bilgi University: Assistant Professor (Sociology)

BRober Koptaþ
Boðaziçi University: Ph.D. student (Atatürk Institute)

Fehmi Koru
Yeni Þafak newspaper

Osman Köker
editor in chief, Birzamanlar Publications

Erol Köroðlu
Sabancý University:
Assistant Professor (History of Literature, Cultural Studies)

Ahmet Kuyaþ
Galatasaray University: Assistant Professor (History, Political Science)

Etyen Mahcupyan
Zaman newspaper

Nazan Maksudyan
Sabancý University: Ph.D. student (History)

Baskýn Oran
Ankara University: Professor (Political Science)

Ayþe Öncü
Sabancý University: Professor (Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies)

Ferhunde Özbay
Boðaziçi University: Professor (Sociology)

Cem Özdemir
Deputy of the Green Party, Germany

Günay Göksu Özdoðan
Marmara University: Professor (Political Science and International Relations)

Murat Paker
Bilgi University: Assistant Professor (Psychology)

Ýrfan Palalý
Ege University: Associate Professor (Neurophysiology)

Taha Parla
Boðaziçi University:
Professor (Political Science and International Relations)

Sarkis Seropyan
Agos newspaper

Elif Þafak
writer, literary person; University of Arizona (USA) : Assistant Professor
(Near Eastern Studies)

Nesim Þeker
Middle East Technical University: Assistant Professor (History)

Turgut Tarhanlý
Bilgi University: Professor (Comparative Law)

Meltem Toksöz
Boðaziçi University: Assistant Professor (History)

Füsun Üstel
Marmara University: Professor (Public Administration)

Gündüz Vassaf
Associate Professor (Psychology); Radikal columnist

Ragýp Zarakolu
editor in chief, Belge Publications