Margarian: Blockade of Armenia hampers international cooperation

Pan Armenian News


17.09.2005 04:10

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «5 years have passed since heads of states and governments
adopted the Millennium Declaration at the UN General Assembly, binding
themselves to reach the Millennium Development Goals. Joining the
Declaration Armenia included the Millennium Goals in its long-term strategic
programs,» Armenian PM Andranik Margaryan stated at a summit meeting within
the UN GA 60th session. In his words with the assistance of international
organizations and by a decision of the Armenian Government the Strategic
Program for Poverty Reduction was adopted in Armenia in August 2003. The
Premier noted terrorism remains a major threat the humanity has faced. The
acts of terrorism in US September 11, 2001, then in Beslan, Madrid, London
and other places indicate that countries should unite to fight terror.
Armenia censures terrorism in any form, A. Margaryan emphasized. «We hail
the Secretary-General taking steps to prevent future genocides. In this
respect I would like to specially underscore the importance of introduction
of a concept of protection of population from genocides, military crimes,
ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity to the final document of the
summit meeting,» Mr. Margaryan said. Armenians as people, who have
experienced the first genocide of the 20th century, know well its
consequences. Speaking of the conflicts in the South Caucasus the PM said,
«Peaceful settlement of regional conflicts is a major security and stability
guarantee in our region. Armenia keeps advocating peaceful settlement of the
NK conflict. The NK people has exercised its self-determination right,
provided for by international legal principles. Some peoples represented
here also used this right. We are convinced that only in an atmosphere of
mutual confidence and tolerance and will to recognition of the historical
reality peaceful and goon neighborly coexistence of the two peoples can be
secured. We attach special importance to regional cooperation in
strengthening mutual confidence in the South Caucasus. Unfortunately, the
blockade of Armenia’s borders, as well as lack of desire to cooperate hamper
it. Armenia supports UN efforts aimed at reforming the UN, specifically
those to enhance the authority and role of the GA, creation of a Human
Rights Council, as well as enhancement of efficiency of the Security Council
methods. We are convinced that the already reformed UN will be able to
successfully withstand the increasing challenges of the century.»