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US State Dept. Briefing: Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman

US State Dept. Briefing: Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman

Federal News Service
September 16, 2005 Friday




MR. ERELI: Okay. Let me begin with a couple of announcements. First
of all, the United States continues to be deeply grateful for the
generous outpouring of assistance from the international community
in response to the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. As of today,
we’ve received offers of cash, food and technical assistance from
126 countries and 16 international organizations. That assistance
is being distributed on the ground by the dedicated employees of the
State Department and USAID.

To date, USAID has received 40 foreign flights of commodities. They
have transported — or helped transport 86 truckloads of foreign
donated commodities out of the Little Rock Air Force Base totaling
5 million pounds to Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas.

And the airlift — the NATO airlift of supplies continues. As you know,
it began on September 12th, and it is flying at the rate of one cargo
plane every other day from September 15th through September 23rd.

Finally, I would note that we are assisting representatives of foreign
governments to have access to their consular facilities in New Orleans
and to provide assistance to their foreign nationals in the area,
both in terms of Louisiana where the — and Mississippi where the
disaster hit, as well as, in areas where their nationals have been
evacuated to. And this includes a visit yesterday by representatives
of eight countries to their Consulates General in New Orleans to
retrieve papers and to sort of assess the damage there.

So just an update on our response and our appreciation to — for the
generosity of foreign countries who have helped us and continue to
help us respond to this terrible disaster.

Any questions on that? All right.

Q (Off mike).

MR. ERELI: Yeah?

Q What’s the amount now that has been received by the United States

MR. ERELI: The total amount?

Q Yes.

MR. ERELI: I don’t have that figure for you.

I wanted to let you know that our Ambassador to Afghanistan, Mr. Ron
Newman, will brief the press on the elections in Afghanistan by digital
video conference from Kabul here at the State Department on Monday,
September 19th at 10:00. So those interested should contact our press
office about the details on that. We look forward to that.

And finally, just a little bit of blowing our own horn, I would note
that a team of researchers at Brown University did a survey of 1,600
state and federal websites and determined that the White House and
the State Department had the best — were the one — first and second
best websites of the bunch, so congratulations to those in the White
House and State Department who have put together a great product.

Hope you find it useful.

With that, I will take your questions.

Q Adam, just to follow up on that; best how?

MR. ERELI: They evaluated the websites for quality issues affecting
user experience and a range of factors ranging from audio/video
features to disability access and privacy policy. And the state.gov
website in particular was noted for offering users, quote, “a wide
range of options and services in a refreshingly organized format that
is easy to navigate.”

Yes, ma’am?

Q Another subject. House International Relations Committee yesterday
adopted three resolutions regarding the Armenian genocide issue, and
some people in Turkey suggest the U.S. administration didn’t do much
to prevent this outcome, other than a letter by the assistant secretary
of State — (inaudible) — the chairman of the International Relations
Committee. The resolutions are on the way to House floor. What is your
position? And are you going to try to prevent them to be adopted by
the House floor?

MR. ERELI: Let’s be clear. The United States policy on this issue
hasn’t changed. The president made clear what the administration’s
policy is in a statement on April 24th, where he said that the United
States mourns the forced exile and annihilation of approximately 1.5
million Armenians in the closing years of the Ottoman Empire as one
of the great tragedies of human history. The United States actively
encourages scholarly, civil society and diplomatic discussion of the
forced exile and killings of 1915 in order to help all parties come
to terms with these horrific events.

The administration did not support the vote to pass House Resolution
195 and 316, and we, I think, continue to make our position clear
on this. So I wouldn’t — as far as the State Department and the
administration goes, our position remains what it has always been,
and that is that this is not a matter that should be politicized,
this is a matter that needs to be discussed seriously and honestly
and in the spirit of analysis by those involved, or those with a
direct connection to it.

Q Some of the congressmen in the committee have changed their positions
on this issue, citing the Turkish Parliament’s March 1st decision
before the Iraqi war.

For example, Congressman Tom Lantos —

MR. ERELI: I’m sorry, I just don’t want to — I don’t want to —
I’m not going to comment on positions that congressmen take or don’t
take. I’ll leave it to them to speak to their positions, speak to
their views. I can speak for the State Department. I think I’ve given
you our view. I think that view has been communicated to members of
Congress. They are in no doubt about it. And — and that’s pretty
much what I have to say on the subject.


Q Syria has strongly rejected the escalation and accusation against
Syria concerning its borders with Iraq. And the Syrian ambassador said
yesterday that it’s an established fact that Syria has done everything
possible within its means to secure her side of the borders. And he
said that we invite Syria — he, as a representative of President
Assad, he said he repeated or — again, he said, we invite the United
States government and Iraqi authorities to immediately engage with
Syria towards finding a solution to the situation in Iraq.

Now, this seems to be pretty genuine and practical enough to replace
rhetoric or statements made against Syria by some people. Is the United
States going to take up Syria’s renewed offer for joint cooperation
on Iraqi borders by the United States and the Iraqi authorities?

MR. ERELI: Look, there’s no — innocent people are getting blown up
in Iraq not because of rhetoric and not because of a lack of desire
for engagement. Innocent people are getting blown up in Iraq because
Syria is allowing its territory to be used by terrorists bent on
sowing murder and mayhem in Iraq. And they’re not going to succeed.

The international community is not going to let this continue to
happen. Why? Because Syria more and more is being recognized as a
destabilizing element in the region. It’s not just about Iraq; it’s
about Iraq, it’s about Lebanon, it’s about the Palestinian Authority,
because there’s a connection between Syria and terrorism and murder
and mayhem in each of these three different areas.

In Lebanon, Syria continues to — continues to, I think, have a
residual presence that doesn’t contribute to the well-being and
welfare of the Lebanese people or the sovereignty of Lebanon.

In Gaza and the West Bank, they continue to have association with
terrorist elements that are bent on sabotaging the peace process and
undermining the peaceful aspirations of the Palestinian people for
an independent state. And they are certainly out of step with the
rest of the world on that.

And in Iraq, Syria continues to — and it’s not just us saying this;
it’s the Iraqis saying this, it’s the international community saying
this — they — there continue to be clear, I think, and indisputable
connections between Syria and Syrian territory and activities in Syria,
under the authority — activities in Syria that the Syrian government
can do something about that are directly connected to the insurgency
in Iraq.

So the question is not is the U.S. and Iraq willing to engage with
Syria. This is something that we have been raising with Syria for
years. Secretary Powell did it. Deputy Secretary Armitage did it.

Assistant Secretary Burns did it. Secretary Rice has been very clear
about it. Deputy — Assistant Secretary Welch has been very clear
about it. Deputy Secretary Zoellick in his trips to Iraq has been
very clear about it. There’s no absence of engagement.

What there’s an absence of is a willingness on the part of the Syrian
government to take actions that is within its capacity to take to
prevent Syrian territory from being used by insurgents and those
that insurgents have recruited from across the region and across the
world to go into Iraq to kill innocent Iraqis and to prevent Iraq
from being a democratic, stable and sovereign state.

Now one has to ask the question: What’s holding — what’s preventing
the Syrian government from doing that? I mean, does Syria not care
that young guys from Yemen or Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or Iran come
into Damascus airport with a one-way ticket and no job and no place
to stay and then find their way into Syria — into Iraq, where they
strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up and kill children in
front of — in a market, women and children from a market? I mean,
why does Syria continue to let that happen if — unless there’s a
deliberate decision to do it?

There certainly seems to be a — an unwillingness to take actions to
stop it. And that’s not because we haven’t engaged with them, and it’s
not because there’s some sort of stopping at rhetoric on our part and
not going into concrete action. It’s because the Syrian government,
from one reason or another, has decided that they don’t want to do it.

And our point is — and the point of the Iraqis is — hey, you guys
better make a choice, because the choice you make, whether it’s to
do something or not to do something, has consequences, and serious

Q But they seem like they — I appreciate your stating all these
things, but Syria also, on their side — they’re saying the authorities
have took may diplomats and international observers to the borders,
Syrian and Iraqi borders. They showed them how many hundreds of
monitoring posts have been opened.

MR. ERELI: Well, I don’t know what — listen, I don’t know what dog
and pony show the Syrian authorities organized on their borders. But
the fact of the matter is, there are insurgents — the Iraqis have
evidence of this, I think the MNFI has evidence of it — that there
are insurgents who end up in Iraq that — and blow themselves up
and kill people, and that they couldn’t have done it without —
without Syria and Syrian territory playing a critical and necessary
intermediary role.

Q Would you please tell the Arab audience why is the United States
so reluctant in cooperating with Syria —

MR. ERELI: It’s not a question of cooperation —

Q — to monitoring —

MR. ERELI: It’s not a question of cooperation with Syria on the
border. It’s a question of Syria exercising — and Syrian security
forces and Syrian political authority making a decision to act
responsibly and control what goes on in their country. They haven’t
done that.

Q May I ask one more?


Q The United States has asked Mexico to monitor its borders so the
Mexicans wouldn’t cross the borders. Why are you asking Syria to
monitor the borders on the two sides —

MR. ERELI: I’d say — first of all, look, it’s not just the border
that we’re talking about. You’ll note I’m being very clear; it’s
about Syrian territory as a whole. I talked about Damascus Airport —
I didn’t talk about the border with Iraq — that’s a problem. Another
problem, and if not a bigger problem, is Syrian territory. That’s
number one.

And number two — and this will bring this discussion to an end because
I think I’ve made the points I need to make — I just reject any kind
of comparison between Syria and Iraq and the United States and Mexico.

Next subject.

Q What about from other countries, like Turkey, Iran or Jordan?

MR. ERELI: I think that the — based on what we’ve seen, based on what
the Iraqis have seen, that there is a critical and disproportionate
role that Syria has and that — related to Syria and the insurgency
that needs to be addressed with urgency.


Q Can I change to North Korea?

MR. ERELI: Sure.

Q There’s reports coming out of Beijing now that the sticking point
of the light-water reactor is putting the talks at a stalemate. Are
you still confident that progress will be made?

MR. ERELI: Rather than — rather than provide value judgments, I’ll
give you the facts.

The facts are that we had discussions today with all the parties.

These included a trilateral lunch with the South Koreans and the
Japanese, as well as separate meetings with the Chinese and the North
Koreans. There was also a heads of delegation meeting today, and at
that heads of delegation meeting, the Chinese host presented a new,
fifth draft on a joint statement of principles. They asked all the
delegations to consult with their capitals and return tomorrow with
a response to the fifth draft.

For our part, we are studying the draft, we are — we are talking to
Assistant Secretary Hill and his party, and we are considering our
response and we’ll be back at it tomorrow.

Q Follow-up. Can you give us an idea of what that fifth draft says?

How is —


Q — it different from the fourth draft?

MR. ERELI: I don’t really want to comment on it.

Q Does it have anything to do with the water nuclear reactor?

MR. ERELI: Again, I’m not in a position to talk about the draft
itself. I think what we’re all working for is a denuclearization of
the Korean peninsula and a firm commitment to act to achieve that
goal. And hopefully, we can all agree on a common text.

Q Would the United States be willing to accept the principle of a
peaceful Korean water reactor in order to break the stalemate of —

MR. ERELI: I’m not going to get into that. I think you know what our
position is on that. We’ve been very clear about it.


Q On Greece, Mr. Ereli. In your consular information sheet,
the recent one about Greece, you are stating once again, quote,
“Greece’s open borders with Western European neighbors allow the
possibility of terrorist groups entering/exiting the country with
anonymity,” unquote, and generally is presenting Greece as an area
under terrorist threat on a permanent basis. I am wondering why,
since Greece is not an open orchard.

MR. ERELI: Is not a what?

Q Orchard. Farm.

MR. ERELI: Orchard?

Q Yes.

MR. ERELI: Well, I would just note that there’s nothing new in that
statement; that our previous assessments haven’t changed. And I
wouldn’t read anything positive or negative.

It’s simply a statement of what our assessment of the situation is,
and it is consistent with what we’ve said in the past.

Q (Inaudible) — about this issue. Why you don’t mention the
positive things, like that the members of November 17 Terrorist
Organization have been arrested and they’re in prison; Greece had
the most successful Olympic Games from the security point of view,
without any minor incident.

MR. ERELI: I think that that kind of information is in other public
documents, so it’s not something that we don’t acknowledge.

Q And the last one. And since this consular sheet was drafted by your
former ambassador to Greece, Tom Miller, who is working now under a new
capacity as a philanthropist, as the president of an NGO in London,
PLAN — P-L-A-N, and his era is over, why, then, the Department of
State still circulated, as you mentioned, the same, unfair document?

MR. ERELI: Well, I’m sorry. We update these consular information
sheets as necessary, as circumstances change. It’s not related to
a particular individual; rather, it’s an ongoing process of review
and updating as circumstances require. I would look at it in that
perspective, and not tie it to one person or another.

Q So you don’t — you don’t have any — you don’t notice any change
in the recent months —

MR. ERELI: When there’s enough material to justify change, we’ll
change it.

Q So far, there is not any change?

MR. ERELI: No. You’ll have to look on the website and see the last
time it was updated, but —


Q Adam, tonight “Nightline” is going to air a program — specifically
an interview with Hugo Chavez. Of course, the whole controversy with
CBC and Pat Robertson enters into this.

What’s the administration policy, as well as —

MR. ERELI: On what?

Q On Venezuela currently. And also, have you spoken to the OAS
regarding his behavior and his leftward leaning towards Hugo?

MR. ERELI: Nothing new to report on that. I mean, I think you know
what our position on Venezuela is. It’s a country that — it’s
a country that — that we’d like to see cooperate in productive
ways that benefit the hemisphere. Unfortunately, there are a number
issues where they just aren’t doing that, and our policy is to try
to promote cooperation where we can; where we can’t and where they’re
not cooperating or they’re not acting in ways that are — that serve
the interests of the United States, their neighbors in the hemisphere,
then to work to try to redress that.

Assistant Secretary Burns, I think, spoke to the drug issue
yesterday. We’ve spoken to the issue of regional security cooperation
and others. So I think that’s a fair statement of our policy. But you
know, unfortunately, I think a lot of it’s — a lot of discussion is
characterized by outlandish rhetoric as opposed to a sincere desire
to engage on the issues of substance.

Q Do you see this program tonight as a — (off mike) —

MR. ERELI: I haven’t seen — it’s hard to comment on a program that
hasn’t taken place.

Q Right.

MR. ERELI: And I will just state what our policy is and not what is
bandied about on the airwaves.


Q I’m sorry. Can you just come back to North Korea for one second?

MR. ERELI: Mm-hmm. (Affirmative.)

Q Some satellite photos — images have come out that were taken about
five days ago, suggesting that there’s some activity going on at
the Yongbyon facility in North Korea. Is the State Department aware
of those photos? And do you have any concerns that North Korea is
continuing with their program while the six-party talks are going on?

MR. ERELI: Well, we’ve seen — obviously we’re aware of the reports.

I don’t have comment, really, for you on matters related to

Obviously North Korea’s continuing nuclear program is a concern.

We’re worried about it. There are four other parties at the six-party
talks that are worried about it, which is why, I think, we’ve been
working really hard for a really long time to see if we can’t put an
end to it.

Last — yes, sir?

Q At the U.N. session in New York, of course, the Iranians are there.

And aside from the EU-3, were there other countries concerned with
what is occurring with Iran and their development of nuclear power?

MR. ERELI: Well, again, I think we’ve — if you look at what Assistant
Secretary Burns said — I’m sorry — Undersecretary Burns, Nicholas
Burns, said yesterday in his briefing to the press, as well as his
briefing to the press the day before, I think we’ve been saying
consistently for the last several days that we’re hearing the same
thing from everybody we talk to: that Iran’s program is of concern,
that nobody wants to see Iran get a nuclear weapon, that everybody
thinks that Iran needs to resume negotiations with the EU-3, re-
suspend their — re-engage in — re-suspend their ban on enrichment
or their enrichment activity or their activity related to enrichment,
and that there’s, I think, a common view that this is the result that
we all want to achieve.

So there is, I think, based on our discussions, a commonly held view
on that. And frankly, our diplomacy is geared to achieving that end.

The EU-3 have — are engaging with Iran to try to produce it. We’re
supporting them.

Q Do you see a strain in U.S.-Russian relations —

MR. ERELI: I do not.

Q — because of this issue?

MR. ERELI: I do not.

Let’s go to the lady here.

Q Thank you. Secretary Rice did an interview with the New York Post
and said for those who spread atomic weapons, there’s a potential
freeze on their assets.

MR. ERELI: Yeah.

Q Well, I’m just wondering, given the situation at the six- party talks
and also the recent Iranian president’s remarks about sharing nuclear
technology with other countries, would that comment be directed to
a certain country, or it —

MR. ERELI: Well, it’s directed to any country engaged in proliferation
of WMD. And it’s specifically referring to an executive order that
President Bush signed on June 28th that allows the United States to
block or freeze assets of proliferators of weapons of mass destruction
as well as their supporters and prohibit U.S. persons from engaging
in transactions with them. So this is – — you know, it’s a statement
of fact, it’s a statement of U.S. policy that this is our response
to those who seek to proliferate. And I would look at it that way.

Q Concerning the wall of separation on the Palestinian land, I read
your statement yesterday concerning the U.S. policy that objects to
acquisition of Palestinian lands in order to build that wall. You
stated that the United States would not agree to a wall that would be
built on Palestinian land. The United States is vouching to implement
international laws, and the International Court has reinstated its
objection to the building of the wall. On Arab TV screens we have
seen in the last few days mothers crying because they are trying to
get their daughters to elementary schools, but they have to wait
several hours before they can cross that wall that is separating
families and kids from their schools. Could you please tell me what
is the United States trying to do to influence the implementation of
this international law now that concerns the wall and that considers
the wall illegal?

MR. ERELI: The United States has made clear its position that Israel
has the right to defend itself, Israel has the right to take action to
secure its border in response to attacks and infiltrations by those
who commit suicide attacks against its citizens. So we’re not taking
issue with that.

We do make the point to Israel that as they take these measures,
including the wall, that they need to be mindful of a couple of things;
one, that the route of the wall doesn’t take land that is the subject
of negotiation and prejudge those negotiations, and number two, that
the humanitarian impact of their measures be taken into account. And
it’s precisely because the lives of Palestinian civilians and men,
women and children are disrupted in many cases that we make this point
and that we urge the Israelis to consider and take into account and
be responsive to the needs of the Palestinians to move and to live
like normal people in the territory that they occupy.

And so I think we’ve — we’re working hard to strike a balance there
between legitimate defense needs and looking to a future where you’ve
got to negotiate a solution and negotiate a settlement on land under
occupation, and you’ve got — you don’t make innocent people pay for
the crimes of terrorists.

Q Are you doing — I mean, are you — is that on the agenda of the
United States authorities meeting with the Israelis?

MR. ERELI: It’s something that we engage with the Israelis fairly
consistently on, yeah.

Thank you.

Q Thank you.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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