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Knollenberg: Legislation to Recog. Armenian Genocide clears hurdle

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Knollenberg: Legislation to Recognize Armenian Genocide clears first hurdle

WASHINGTON , D.C. – Congressman Joe Knollenberg (R/MI-09) announced
today that legislation to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide
was passed by the U.S. House International Relations Committee. The
legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Knollenberg, will now move for
approval by the full U.S. House.

This year marks the 90th Anniversary of the Genocide. It is estimated
that over one and a half million Armenians were systematically and
deliberately killed in this historic atrocity. By affirming the
Genocide and commemorating those who lost their lives, this
legislation is intended to finally start the healing
process. Thirty-seven U.S. States and the District of Columbia have
already passed similar legislation or formally recognized the

`The Genocide happened. It’s time the United States admitted
thisfact,’ said Rep. Knollenberg. `The only way to prevent future
atrocities is to affirm the ones of the past and take a united vow
that they never happen again.

We can’t afford to be apathetic or unsure. The United States has a
responsibility to lead the world and admit the truth of the Armenian
Genocide.’ The legislation calls upon the President of the United
States to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects
appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to
human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United
States record relating to the Armenian Genocide. Also, it acknowledges
the proud history of the U.S. interventionin opposition to the
Armenian Genocide.

`Most importantly, this legislation will show the world that America
is not going to forget this horrible crime.’ Congressman Knollenberg
said. `The victims of the Genocide and their families deserve to have
the crime recognized for the atrocity that it was. The committee’s
action today – and hopefully the approval of the full House soon –
will help make sure that this terrible offense is never forgotten.’


Virabian Jhanna:
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