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Turks address painful question: Did ancestors commit genocide?

Turks address painful question: Did ancestors commit genocide?

.c The Associated Press

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) – Scholars held the first-ever public
discussions in Turkey on Saturday about the early 20th-century
massacre of Armenians, choosing words carefully, avoiding emotional
language and picking apart history year by year at a gathering that
nationalists denounced as traitorous.

The European Union called the academic conference a test of freedom of
expression in Turkey, which is hoping to begin talks for membership in
the bloc next month.

The academic conference had been canceled twice, once in May after the
justice minister said organizers were “stabbing the people in the
back,” and again on Thursday when an Istanbul court ordered the
conference closed and demanded to know the academic qualifications of
the speakers.

“This is a fight of ‘can we discuss this thing, or can we not discuss
this thing?”’ Murat Belge, a member of the organizing committee, said
at the conference opening. “This is something that’s directly related
to the question of what kind of country Turkey is going to be.”

The Armenian issue stirs deep passions among Turks, who are being
pushed by many in the international community to say that their
fathers and grandfathers carried out the first genocide of the 20th

“There are so many documents in hand with respect to the destruction
of Armenians,” said Taner Akcay, a Turkish-born professor at the
University of Minnesota, and author of books on the subject including,
“A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish

Dozens of officers in riot gear kept hundreds of shouting protesters
at bay. Some protesters pelted arriving panelists with eggs and
rotten tomatoes.

Inside, the audience of more than 300 people was restrained, as only
those invited by the organizing committee and preapproved members of
the media were allowed past security.

The issue has been a taboo for many years in Turkey, with those who
speak out against the killings risking prosecution by a Turkish
court. But an increasing number of Turkish academics have called for a
review of the killings in a country where many see the Ottoman Empire
as a symbol of Turkish greatness.

The panelists, all Turkish speakers, carefully avoided any emotional
language during the first day of the two-day conference.

“Everyone waits for you to pronounce the genocide word – if you do
one side applauds and the other won’t listen,” Halil Berktay, program
coordinator of the history department at Sabanci University, said at
the conference Saturday.

Several governments around the world have recognized the killings of
as many as 1.5 million Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire as

Turkey vehemently denies the charge, admitting that many Armenians
were killed, but saying the death toll is inflated and that Armenians
were killed along with Turks in civil unrest and intercommunal
fighting as the Ottoman Empire collapsed between 1915 and 1923.

After the conference was shut down Thursday, Turkey drew condemnation
from the European Commission.

Organizers skirted the court order by changing the venue of the

The court-ordered cancellation Thursday was an embarrassment for the
country’s leaders, who are set to begin EU negotiations on Oct. 3.

Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul lamented that “there’s no one better at
hurting themselves than us,” and sent a letter wishing the organizers
a successful conference. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also
condemned the court’s decision, saying it did not befit a democratic

The participants were all Turkish speakers and included members of
Turkey’s Armenian minority like Hrant Dink, the editor in chief of
Agos, a weekly Armenian newspaper in Istanbul. There are some 70,000
Armenians living in Istanbul.

09/24/05 16:12 EDT

Karagyozian Lena:
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