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Rouzan Khachtryan Is Discontent


| 11:36:15 | 26-09-2005 | Politics |

According to the Kenton community head candidate Rouzan Khachatryan,
before the elections the head of the Central Electoral Committee
Garegin Azaryan gathered together all the heads of the 9th electoral
area and ordered to give the right to check passports to only two
member of the Committee.

“In several electoral areas the number of the electors has been more
than the allowed number, there have even been open votings”, said
Rouzan Khachatryan in a press conference right after the elections.

The most grave violation, according to her, was the way the confidants
got their certificates: according to the stipulated order, it must
be mentioned in the certificate whose confidant a person is, and
the names must be mentioned in the headquarters of the corresponding
candidate. But the heads of the areas ordered to mention the names
of the confidants in the certificates.

Today Rouzan Khachatryan expressed her discontent with Garegin
Azaryan and said that Justice bloc will by all means call him to
responsibility. There is information according to which a man has
voted with a woman’s passport.

Asked by the journalists how much money she has spent on her
pre-election campaign, Rouzan Khachatryan answered, “I have spent as
many millions in drams as my competitor has spent in dollars”.

Nevertheless, Rouzan Khachatryan did not exclude the possibility of
changing her opinion about the electoral phase after the announcement
of the finals results of the elections.

Nanijanian Alex:
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