Constitution Adopted


| 13:09:48 | 28-09-2005 | Politics |

Today the Parliament continued the special session and adopted the
draft Constitution by the third hearing with a distribution of votes
90-for, 0-against, 0-undecided. After that Arthur Baghdasaryan put the
decision to apply to Robert Kocharyan to fix the day of the referendum
to voting.

In this connection Viktor Dallakyan announced that the NA
regulation-law 60th article 5th clause has been violated. According
to it, the draft was supposed to be distributed to the deputies an
hour before the voting.

“Nothing has been distributed to us”, he said, but the coalition
deputies claimed the vice versa. “You are violating the law”, announced
Viktor Dallakyan. In answer to this Arthur Baghdasaryan said, “Let
them think what they want, and now let’s vote”.

Let us remind you that yesterday the National Unity had announced that
they will boycott the session, the “Justice” bloc is not participating
in the voting at all. After the break the draft was adopted, and the
special session was over.