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ANCA: System Of A Down Rally Attracts International Media Attention

Armenian National Committee of America
888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: anca@anca.org

September 30, 2005
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Multi-Platinum Band Calls for Vote
on Armenian Genocide Resolution

— New York Times, BBC, and MTV Join Local ABC, FOX, and WB
stations and Area Newspapers in Covering Event outside the
Batavia, Illinois Office of Speaker Dennis Hastert

WASHINGTON, DC – The pro-Armenian Genocide Resolution rally this
week by System of a Down outside the Batavia, Illinois office of
House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) received extensive media
coverage – both internationally and within the Speaker’s local
suburban Chicago media market, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA).

The September 27th event was organized by the multi-platinum band
System of a Down, along with the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA), Axis of Justice, and the Armenian Youth Federation.
Over two hundred fans, including a large number of Armenian
Americans from Chicago, attended the rally to urge the Speaker to
schedule a vote on legislation pending before Congress that would
recognize the Armenian Genocide. At the rally, the band delivered
a letter asking the Speaker to allow the legislation to move
forward. (see below)

Speaker Hastert pledged to allow the full House to vote on Armenian
Genocide legislation in August of 2000, but retreated from this
promise in October of that year, citing pressure from the White
House. On September 15th of this year, the House International
Relations Committee overwhelmingly approved legislation recognizing
the Armenian Genocide.

The highlights of the media coverage included:

* Over 560,000 households in the Chicago area watched video from
the rally via ABC channel 7 News (Nielsen Audience: 310,980), WGN-
WB (Nielsen Audience: 231,385), and WFLD-FOX (Nielsen Audience:

* The New York Times covered the rally, as did three area
newspapers read by Speaker Hastert’s constituents: The Beacon News,
The Daily Herald, and The Kane County Chronicle.

* News of the rally was broadcast on radio internationally via The
World (BBC) and locally by Chicago Public Radio.

* The rally received excellent coverage in the entertainment media
via stories on the websites of MTV (two stories), VH1, Rolling
Stone, and a range of other media outlets.


* New York Times (September 26, 2005 – Arts Section)

* ABC channel 7 news
SEP 27 2005 5:00PM CT Nielsen Audience: 310,980
ABC 7 News at 5

SEP 27 2005 9:00PM CT Nielsen Audience: 231,385
News at Nine

SEP 28 2005 5:00AM CT Nielsen Audience: 22,726
Fox News at 5AM

* MTV.com: (Pre-Rally coverage)

* MTV.com: (Post-Rally coverage)


* TheWorld.org — (a radio program in done in co-production with
the BBC)

* Rolling Stone:
/7670574/bobice?pageid=rs.Home&pageregion=sing le1

* The Beacon News

* The Daily Herald

* Kane County Chronicle:

* PR Newswire
.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/09-26-2005/00041 31979&EDATE
* Los Angeles Daily News

* Blabbermouth.com:
uth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=4210 1

* Yahoo News

In the two weeks since that vote, thousands of System fans have
sent free ANCA WebFaxes urging Speaker Hastert to hold a vote on
the Armenian Genocide Resolution:


==============================================================September 27, 2005

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Hastert,

I am writing to personally ask you to do the right thing by
scheduling a free and fair vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution
this year – the 90th anniversary of this crime against humanity.

In making this request, I want you to know the special and profound
meaning that this issue holds for me. My grandfather, Stepan
Haytayan, is a 97 year-old survivor of the genocide. He’s my only
link to this past. I promised him that I would try to reach you
and explain how important American recognition is to the surviving
children of the first genocide of the 20th century. Historical
truths should never be denied in a democracy – especially one with
such a proud heritage of freedom.

My band, System Of A Down, has held three benefit shows called
“Souls” to raise awareness and much needed funds for the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide. We have been encouraged, in
your own home state, by Governor Rod Blagojevich’s recent signature
on a law requiring that the Genocide be taught in the state’s
public schools. To date, thirty-eight U.S. states have officially
recognized the Armenian Genocide, as have Canada, Germany, France,
Italy, Argentina, Belgium, Greece, Russia, Sweden, and Switzerland
– as well as the Council of Europe, European Parliament, and the
Vatican. The International Association of Genocide Scholars
unanimously affirmed at their most recent meeting, in June of this
year, that the Armenian Genocide is recognized by “the overwhelming
opinion of scholars who study genocide: hundreds of independent
scholars, who have no affiliations with governments, and whose work
spans many countries and nationalities and the course of decades.”

Along with hundreds of thousands of Armenian Americans and
countless concerned human rights supporters across the United
States, I was encouraged by the House International Relations
Committee’s vote, less than two weeks ago, to overwhelmingly
approve legislation properly recognizing the Armenian Genocide. I
am sure that you would agree that the strong Committee-level
support for this legislation reflects the powerful bipartisan
consensus in the U.S. House of Representatives for decisive action
to properly recognize the first genocide of the 20th Century.

All that you need to do to move this legislation to a vote is to
remain consistent with your own record. As you recall, in 1994 you
spoke on the floor of the U.S. House about the need for Armenian
Genocide remembrance. In 1996 you voted for the Radanovich
Amendment to cut aid to Turkey until it ended its genocide denials.
Most recently, in 2000, you pledged – as Speaker – to bring
Armenian Genocide legislation to a vote of the full U.S. House.
Following your withdrawal of the Armenian Genocide Resolution in
October of 2000, you stressed – in an official statement – your
personal support for this legislation, your belief that the
Resolution enjoyed the support of a bi-partisan Congressional
majority, and your pledge to bring this legislation back to the
House floor.

The time has come – after five years – to honor this promise and to
act in a manner that we all know to be fully consistent with our
values and long-term interests as a nation. Today, the decision
rests in your hands: to schedule a vote, or to effectively defeat
this legislation by refusing to allow the 435 members of the U.S.
House to cast their ballots on this human rights issue.

I am quite aware of the pressures placed upon you by the
Administration, the military-industrial complex, and the special
interest groups that warn about the consequences of angering
Turkey, a NATO ally, over their denial of the Armenian Genocide.
These “friends” of Turkey are wrong; the truth is that, by acting
as apologists for Turkey, they are actually holding back Turkey’s

By allowing this vote, and allowing the will of Congress to be
freely expressed, you will be doing the right thing morally and, at
the same time, encouraging Turkey to deal honestly with its past
and more openly with its future.

Thank you for your consideration of my concerns.


Serj Tankian

Chakrian Hovsep:
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