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5 Years of Patience


| 20:56:48 | 30-09-2005 | Politics |


The Venice Commission is interested in the change of Constitution in RA.
According to the Venice Commission secretary Gianni Buquicchio, it proceeds
from the interests of Armenia, «We want Armenia to be like the other
countries and to develop like them».

Even in case of this interest Mr. Buquicchio assures that if the
constitutional referendum fails, the CoE and EU experts «will express their
honest opinion». But he also noted that patience is not unlimited
underlining that «the Venice Commission spent lost 5 and Armenia – 7 years»
on the Constitutional reforms.

Today the European experts participated in a round table in the NA in which
there was not a single representative of the Parliamentary opposition. «We
sent invitations to everyone», informed the NA deputy president Tigran
Torosyan. He also said in his speech that by the adopted draft «some dreams
will be realized, others will not».

According to him, this draft not only amends the Constitution, but also
gives the opportunity of Constitutional reforms. And as far as no other
changes can be introduced into the draft adopted by the third hearing, the
round table was organized, according to Tigran Torosyan, «to bring the draft
to life».

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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