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Aznavour: Armenia Should Take European Way

Pan Armenian News


30.09.2005 08:28

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «Armenian origins are exclusively important to me,» famous
singer Charles Aznavour stated. «My parents and I were born not in our
fatherland: my father was born in Georgia, while my mother in Turkey. They
spoke many languages. They were widely open people and it helped up – their
children – absorb various cultures of the East and West. In France itself I
listened to Arab, Latin American and American music,» he remarked. Answering
a question about assistance to Armenia, Charles Aznavour said, «I was
engaged in assisting poor people, helped to restore electricity in the past.
Today I am busy with building new schools, repairing old ones. The future of
the country is the youth, as it is known.» Speaking of whether Armenia
should follow Georgia’s example and «turn towards the US,» the singer said
Armenia should take the European way. «Its place is in Europe. I am pleased
with Armenia preserving very good relations with Russia. By the way, I was
in Uzbekistan lately and paid attention to the fact that all Uzbeks, like
Armenians, speak Russian. From the geographic point of view Armenia also is
closer to Russia than America,» Aznavour summed up, reported the Izvestia.

Dabaghian Diana:
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