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Better Not Adopted?


| 20:42:22 | 30-09-2005 | Politics |


The RA President’s representative in Constitutional affairs Armen
Haroutyunyan answers the questions of «A1+».

– According to you, is the draft Constitution adopted by the NA third
hearing better than the one which was not adopted by referendum in 2003?

– Of course it is. In general, of all the drafts for these years this one is
the best. And it is not by chance that the Venice Commission mentioned this

– But several months ago the Venice Commission announced that the 2001 draft
was the best.

– No, it was mentioned in the conclusion that this is the best of all the
drafts since 2001.

– What must be done in order for this draft not to deserve the same fate as
the previous one?

– The political powers must act as locomotive and realize propaganda of the
draft, otherwise the same will happen to this version. The author is the
coalition, but those political powers which participated in the voting must
also share the burden of organizing the preaching.

– And can the opposition play a significant role with its negative attitude?

– When the draft is a good one, it is difficult to make it appear bad, and
when it is not good, it is difficult to make it appear good. I think in case
of a good draft the only way to play a significant role it to support it.


Nahapetian Samvel:
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