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Finland supports OSCE activity in settlement of NK conflict

ARMINFO News Agency
September 30, 2005


YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 30. ARMINFO. Finland supports the OSCE activity in
settlement of Karabakh conflict, says Finnish President Tarja Halonen
at a joint press conference with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
in Baku, Azertag reports.

Finland is for settlement of the conflict through peaceful
negotiations only. Tarja Halonen expressed desire that the
conflicting parties achieve a mutually advantageous way of
resolution. ‘As you know, we paid a special attention to the problem
and aspired for appointment of EU Special Representative. And this
work was fulfilled’ the Finnish president said. The work was uneasy
as there are other states in the region, she said. They also faced
conflicts and make similar steps to settle them, the president said.
‘ OSCE is on the one side and the EU on the other side. I think
strengthening the relations of Azerbaijan with the EU can make a
definite contribution to settlement of the given problem,’ Halonen
said. She added in the course of its chairmanship Finland will
further work actively to render necessary assistance to Georgia,
Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Karakhanian Suren:
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