100 Million Drams As A Gift To Yerevan


Panorama News
13:36 03/10/05

The events of the “The Yerevan Day” festival will begin on October 8.

Concerts and fireworks are organized in all communities of the capital.

The same day the exhibition “My Yerevan” will be opened in Yerevan
History Museum. “It is the first time, that Yerevan History Museum
will open its doors in a new building”, said deputy mayor A. Sahakyan .

He also informed, by the Government decision the second Saturday of
October has been announced “The Yerevan Day”,

Opening ceremony of the festival will take place in the Opera
House. The events will over on October 9 and in the evening a Gala
concert will take place in the Republic Square with fireworks at
the end.

For celebration of its birthday party Yerevan is going to receive
11 delegations from IRI, Greece, Odessa, Florence, Yekaterinburg,
Stavropoulos and other countries.

About 80-100 million drams will be spent on celebration events.