Countering Nuclear And Radiological Terrorism


| 12:24:44 | 06-10-2005 | Politics |

U.S. officials are participating in the “Advanced Research Workshop
on Countering Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism,” which is being
held in Yerevan October 2 through October 6.

The four-day conference, which is focused on such issues as global
security, non-proliferation strategies, and countering radiological
terrorism, is being held with the support of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) and the International Science and Technology Center

U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Anthony Godfrey, in addition
to representatives from countries throughout Europe and North
America, are participating in the conference. Dr. David Diamond of
the U.S. Brookhaven National Laboratory is one of the workshop’s

President Bush stated that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) and their delivery systems constitutes a major threat to
international peace and security. The threat is compounded by the
interest of terrorists in acquiring WMD. This would undermine the
foundations of international order. Together with other international
partners, the U.S. has pledged to use all means available to avert
WMD proliferation and the calamities that would follow.

This NATO-sponsored conference is intended to help achieve our shared
goal of preventing the spread of WMD.